A/N-Thank you!

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This fanfic has 7k reads. That's more than what I ever imagined. I really felt the need to make a separate part to tell you how much I appreciate your support. I'm so happy that you all enjoy this, even if it isn't the best. I honestly never thought I would get this far, and I thank every single one of you that reads, votes, and/or comments.

This is short, but I really don't know what to say other than thank you so much! I'm an awkward and shy person so this may come out weird and repetitive but I can just say this. I'm happy that people enjoy what I write. It may be fanfiction, and many people read that but I'm glad people enjoy my storyline/plot.

Thank you for 7k reads and for liking this fanfic! I hope you continue to read and enjoy! :) Have a nice day/night!

P.S: By the way, I don't curse. Not in real life, even if you see that in my stories but that's just a little. 😂 Just wanted to point that out.

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