Chapter 27

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Riku's eyes snapped open when he heard his alarm go off. He reached for his phone, and heard the crinkling of the papers. With a yawn, he turned off the the alarm and sat up. He stared at the wall in front of him for a while, then got off, a few papers falling to the floor in a crumbled mess.

He somehow made it to the bathroom without tripping over his own feet, and jumped in the shower. In there he also stared at the wall, until finally he realized that it was getting late. He took a quick shower, got out, chose his outfit, and brushed his teeth. Though soon, his outfit would be a uniform. A white collared shirt with a blue tie and blue pants.

"Blue of all colors...," Riku muttered, trying to find the papers he needed most and stuffed them back in his bag.

He had known this for a while. They had been saying it for some time, but who knew if they were being serious.


Riku picked up the papers on the floor, and looked through them. He groaned and dropped all of them on the bed. He quickly grabbed his phone, and texted Roxas and Axel.

"You guys have the math homework?"

Riku anxiously waited to a response as he started to pick his stuff up. He heard his phone ring, and silently hoped it was a positive response.

"Nope. He didn't give us one. Maybe you're talking about the one he picked up yesterday for our class. We're ahead, I think?"

The response was from Axel, who's class was sometimes a bit ahead of Riku's. The silver haired teen sighed, and sent a quick thanks. He walked out of his house, grabbing something quick to eat and a bottle of water. He put it on the pocket of the backpack, and left.

"I really need to eat properly," Riku muttered, making sure his door was locked before walking fast to school.

He soon got another notification, and looked at it. It was from Roxas, who had only sent a short message.

"I got you. Meet me by the cafeteria after first period."

Riku just shrugged, and send an "alright" before putting his phone away. Now that he was done with his breakfast bar, he started running.

He barely made it, and got glared from a few teachers in the hallways for running. He sheepishly smiled, and waved, to which they only shook their heads with a soft smile after seeing his smile. They knew Riku wasn't a bad student.

Riku made it to his class right before the teacher closed the door. He leaned on his knees, trying to regain his normal breathing. He went to his seat before his teacher started to yell at him. The stares of the others were on him, and he hated it.

The class started but Riku couldn't find his notebook. He cursed under his breath, but then sheets of paper were his desk along with a pen. He looked up and met the warm brown eyes of the girl that did the work with him in Physics.

"Hey, you look like a mess."

Riku was shocked. He didn't expect her to say that. He shook his head, and laughed.

"I don't only look like it, I am," Riku told her, accepting the papers and pen. "Thanks."

"No problem. You can keep the pen."

"I though you wouldn't talk to me after the class work in Physics," Riku said, copying down the notes.

"Yeah, well I'm just a bit shy, but I'm trying to talk to more people."

"Yeah? I thought you just ran away from me."

"Of course not!"

Riku flinched, and looked up at the front. The teacher glared, and he looked down at his desk.

Perfect In Every Way (SoRiku) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now