Chapter 2

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I make a couple shadow clones and instruct them to get rid of any and all evidence we were here before walking over to falcon to pull his hair out of his face so he doesn't get any more vomit in his hair than he already has. five minutes pass and he's finally done. I unseal a bottle of water from a seal on my arm and hand it to him. he takes it and drinks some. "thank-you, and I'm sorry, its just that I've never seen anything so... so horrifying and gruesome. don't get me wrong, I've been in Anbu for years but I've never seen anything like that." Falcon, or Iruka as I now know him, said.


"I'm not judging. Honestly this still makes me sick. I can just control it until I at least get home now." I tell him hoping that I at least made him feel a little better. "Thanks... but what was that? one second we were surrounded and the next their blood was everywhere and they were all dead." asks Iruka "Well its my special technique, kinda where I got the name" I answered with a smirk (not that he could see it... MASK!) "the Glowing Crimson Fox? get it? because first I glow, then all you see is crimson, blood, and then my fox mask. kinda wish they were more creative though. its pretty self explanatory if you ask me. don't you think Iruka-sensei?" I ask, then I realize my mistake and instantly start cursing myself for not being more careful, all I can do now is hope that he missed what I called him. "Iruka-Sensei? are you one of my students?!?" and there went all my hope of him not catching it. I start sweating and I can feel the my anxiety rising. "I don't know what youre talking about falcon" I answer hoping that going back to his code name would deter him from questioning me further. "no, I heard you call me Iruka Sensei. you have to be one of my...." he stops and I can practically see the wheels turning in his head, slowly figuring out who I am.

I'm just sitting and waiting because I know that it wont be long before he puts all the pieces together. I mean there's only two blondes in the class and the other is a girl and based on my body structure I'm obviously a male, that and my fox mask gives away a huge hint.

"NARUTO!" he yells finally figuring it out. "bingo..." I weakly answer pulling off my mask showing him my face as extra confirmation. he just stares at me for a second before asking "If your ANBU then why are you in the academy?" "I could ask you the same thing" I answer with a glare. "Fine. Mizuki, the village has its suspicions about him being a traitor so they put me in charge of a whole bunch of kids just to keep a better eye on him... now your turn" he informs me. "Fine, I'm in the hell hole for a couple reasons. One, to keep an eye on Mr. dark and broody as he is at flight risk and I'm going to be stuck with him until at least the chuunin exams. Two, because even though I'm in ANBU I didn't get there the regular way, so technically in the books I'm not a ninja. for me to actually have a normal ninja career I have to start at the bottom. also I know your next question so ill just go ahead and answer that too. I act like an idiot because Sasuke is the rookie of the year. If I'm dead last nobody can question why we are on the same team. also how do you think it would go over with everybody thinking that the demon child is actually a prodigy? id have my head on stick within a week. plus it just helps with my public view. the weekly beatings have gone down since I decided to act like an idiot." I answered professionally. "Also, you should know that this is an s-class secret. you cant tell anybody, blah blah blah, you know the consequences, blah, treat me like you have been, you know, the usual stuff that goes along with knowing an s-class secret." I add on just to make sure he knows. "Yea, ok. um... we should probably clean up here and head back. we both have to be up early tomorrow." Iruka awkwardly says. "What? did I not do a good enough job at cleaning up?" I ask with a smirk.

finally Iruka looks around and realizes that it literally looks like nothing even happened. "Oh... when did you do that?" he asks "while you were puking" I deadpan. Iruka starts to turn a little red and i decide to put him out of his misery. "come on,, we should be getting home." I say holding out my hand to help him up.

he takes my hand and lifts himself off the ground, stumbling and falling back down. its only then I realize that his left pant leg is sliced and there is a gaping wound that is bleeding pretty bad. I'm instantly angry. "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU WERE INJURED?!" I scream, bending down to look over the wound. from the looks of it, it cut all the way to the bone.

I start looking through my bag to find the scroll I sealed all my medical supplies in. luckily I find it within seconds and unseal all my medical equipment. Luckily I packed a poison identification slip and a numbing drug, plus some pain killers.

First I grab the dropper and get a sample of his blood to test for poison and put a couple drops on the identification slip. while I'm waiting for the poison and the antidote i start working on getting an IV set up so ill be able to administer the antidote along with the pain medication through the IV. Almost as soon as I have the IV set up the Identification slip comes up with the poison and pops out an antidote which I immediately administer through the IV. then I also give him some pain killers through the IV, Both take effect almost immediately. then I start the healing process for his leg, starting with injecting the numbing medication to all areas of the wound. then I start using my Mystical Palm Technique to seal and heal the wound.

Once I'm done with everything I summon one of my foxes and very briefly write on a scroll what happened. Starting with mission complete, to Iruka finding out my identity, then to the injury, and ending with how I'm taking Iruka to my own house to keep an eye on him for the night.

I place a seal on the scroll to nobody other than the Hokage can open it and give it to my summons and tell him to take it straight to jiji. I turn around and gently grab Iruka and start heading home.

Once I finally get home I put Iruka in one of the guest rooms and hook up fluids to his IV to help with the blood loss and settle into the chair in the room and start on the mission report thinking 'its going to be a LONG night.

AUTHORS NOTE: I cant believe people are actually reading this! All 3-4 of you! I really didn't expect it! So thank you <3 :)

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