Chapter 3

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The next morning... (Narutos POV)

I woke up to the sound of groaning and immediately jumped up, kunai in hand, ready for battle. As I started to look around I realize that I'm in my own house. i start looking around for where the moaning came from. Suddenly all the memories from last night came flooding back and I realized that the groaning must be coming from Iruka. I head to the room where I left him last night and see that he is just waking up.

I decide to just take a seat and wait for Iruka to talk to me. Iruka finally opened his eyes and looked around, obviously confused on where he is. Eventually he spots me sitting in the corner watching him.

"Naruto?" he asks. "Hai, Iruka-sensei, how are you feeling?" I ask. "Um, fine, i guess, what are you doing here, wherever here is.." he answers. "I'm glad you're feeling better, you weren't feeling to well last night, with that big ol' gash in your leg and all. And right after we finished our mission you passed out from a mixture of blood loss and poison so I fixed you up and brought you home, to my home at least." I reply waiting for him to remember everything that happened last night.

I can see the gears turning in his head and its almost like a lightbulb went off when he remembered. "Oh... Uh... Yea... What about school?" Iruka aquwardly asks. "We're sick" i deadpan. "Mizuki is filling in for you today and I'm just sick." I continue. "Oh.. ok..." Iruka answers obviously not knowing what else to say.

"So no pain in your leg? Nowhere is numb or tingly? It's not hard to breathe?" I ask Iruka just looks confused on what he's supposed to say so I decide to enlighten him. "The cut you got on your leg went all the way to your bone, plus the poison had quite a bit of time to spread through your system because someone (glares at Iruka) didn't tell me about the injury." I tell him.

"How was I supposed to know you were a medic?" He asks, obviously embarrassed. "WHAT DOES IT MATTER IF I WAS A MEDIC OR NOT! YOU SHOULD'VE SAID SOMETHING! DO YOU REALIZE YOU COULD'VE DIED!" I scream finally letting all the anger that has built up since last night out.

Iruka actually looks like he's about to cry so I decide that I'm going to take this time to go hand in my report to the hokage. "I'm going to go turn in our report. DO NOT leave this house. I'll have someone come and bring you food. The bathroom is right through there (points to door) Don't over do it. I'll be right back" i tell him before I head to my room and put on a new uniform and my mask before I head out to see jiji.

(Outside the Hokage's Office)

I knock on the door and wait until I hear a come in. I open the door and see Jiji sitting at his desk doing that god forsaken paperwork that never seems to end. "Here's my mission report from last night, I'm sorry it wasn't here sooner but I was kinda busy." I say and jiji finally looks up. "Ah, Naruto, I assume that Iruka is doing ok then?" he asks. "Hai jiji, he's doing ok for now. Narumi is going to check him out today and should be able to give you a more definite answer. My medical knowledge is fairly decent but Narumis is far more advanced than mine." I answer. "So, Iruka knows your identity and you know his. I honestly didn't see that coming. But I'm going to assume that you can both be trusted to keep the information you've gathered to yourselves correct?" he asks. "Hai jiji, I know that I'm going to keep my mouth shut, and I'm not worried about Iruka. He's a very loyal shinobi and I trust him." I reply "Alright, so on to your other mission, anything of importance you want to report?" He asks. "No jiji, I do not believe Uchiha Sasuke is at flight risk at this moment. I can almost guarantee that at some point he will be, presumably when he determines that the village has done all that it can to make him stronger." I report. "Alright. I have an A rank mission tonight if you'd like. It's another joint mission so you'd be working with someone again." Jiji tells me. "Ok, what's up with me working with people all of a sudden? Are you starting to question my capabilities?" i ask. trying to reign in my anger. "Naruto, I'm not questioning anything. You need to start working with people, It's unhealthy how far you separate yourself from others. I'm not putting you on a squad, or even asking you to work with more than one person." he explains. "Fine, I'll be back later to pick up the mission scroll and to meet this new person. Later Jiji." I answer as I teleport out of his office and back home to check on Iruka and get ready for another mission. hopefully this one doesn't end with someone else learning my identity.

Authors note:

Thank you to everyone who has read this:) Please feel free to review or just let me know what you think. Also you can let me know what you want to happen and I'll see if I can add it in here:) Since people are actually reading this I'm going to try to update at least once a week. Thank you again to everyone whose reading:)

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