Chapter 6- a new beginning?

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Biju talking

Biju thinking

Naruto's POV


Please make it stop...

"Naruto wake up.."

Why... so you can make me watch...

"Naruto... please wake up... your ok.. you're safe.."

Someone is touching me...  "DON'T TOUCH ME, I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! JUST PLEASE STOP!"

-Third POV-

Kakashi and Iruka, who followed the screaming, took a step back, not sure what to do. They just stood there for a couple more minutes before Naruto started calming down. After what seemed like hours, but was actually a couple minutes, Naruto was awake and staring at them, slightly shaking and confused.

"What are you guys doing in here..." Naruto asked as he slowly rose off the floor of the shower. "we.. um.. heard screaming and came to make sure everything was ok.." Iruka mumbled. "well everything is fine." Naruto snapped before rounding on Kakashi. "And you shouldn't even be out of bed." Naruto growled with a glare. When neither started to move Naruto took a deep breath and said "both of you go back to bed. I'll be in in a moment to check your injuries. I've spent hours fixing you two and I really don't want to start all over because you're running around my house. Do either of you need anything? Food, something to drink?"

Kakashi and Iruka looked down at the ground embarrassed that they just got scolded by someone less than half their age.

"Um... So we're in your house?" Kakashi asked with a raised eyebrow, following Naruto as he started walking into the bedroom. "yea, I built this house for myself and clones a couple years ago. It's underground to avoid the villagers destroying it." Naruto answered while looking through his closet and grabbing a t shirt and a pair of sweat pants and pulling them on. before heading towards the dining room.

"Naruto... your talking about your clones like they're real people... you do know they aren't right?" Iruka asked looking worried for the blonde.

Naruto just stared at Iruka for a second "Yes Iruka-sensei... I know normal clones aren't real people. But my clones aren't normal clones. They're reinforced blood clones." Naruto answered with a smile.

Kakashi and Iruka were both thinking the same thing.. What the fuck is a reinforced blood clone?..

"Neither of you know what that is do you?" Naruto asked looking at their very confused faces. when both shook their heads no Naruto sighed. "That doesn't surprise me to be honest. They don't teach anyone about them. The only reason I know about them and how to use them is because Kyuu taught me about them. Honestly if either of you tried to make one you'd probably die... But anyways a blood clone is kind of like a shadow clone in the way that a blood clone is solid. But the difference is blood clones are like people. they just have my DNA. When I create one its an almost exact copy of me. But they have their own personal minds. they make decisions for themselves, train, eat, drink, go to the bathroom, anything a normal person does and they grow in their own way that is different from me. they also have their own personalities which differ from mine." Naruto explained as he sat down at the table in the dining room.

Kakashi and Iruka were looking at Naruto in awe. "It's why I normally worked by myself during missions. blood clones can take hits and fight just like the original, if not better than the original. It just depends on how much a clone trains. Also blood clones don't dispel after they are killed. Once you create a blood clone, you essentially create a new person." Naruto explained as two other people walked into the dinning room with snacks and drinks.

One was a blonde with purple streaks in her hair that was pulled up in a high ponytail and blue eyes, just like Naruto. she was wearing black shorts and a purple tank top that showed off her D sized breast and a large scar on her right arm that went from her shoulder to her elbow. The other was another blonde but his hair was just blonde with no colors, that was pulled into a low ponytail with stands on each side of his face, he also had a scar going through his right eye. He was wearing plain grey sweatpants and a plain black t shirt.

Iruka and Kakashi eyed the new people with interest. knowing that these had to be some of Narutos blood clones because they looked like him in their own unique way. "Guys, this is Hatake Kakashi and Umino Iruka. " Naruto said breaking them out of their trance. "HI! I'm Narumi, it's a pleasure to meet people other than different versions of myself! Let me know if you need anything! I'm Bosses favorite and I'm a medical specialist so let me know if any of your booboos are hurtin ya!!" Narumi practically yelled while running over and giving the two very confused men hugs while Naruto just let his head smack against the table mumbling apologies to anyone who could hear them.

"Yo, I'm Nagayuki." Nagayuki simply said as he sat down in a chair and started drinking his tea. Turning his attention towards Naruto Nagayuki asked "What the hell happened on that mission? After you got back we all started having flashbacks of your time as a kid, you know how bad things have to get for something like that to happen..." he said leaving the sentence hanging noticing that when he mentioned the mission Kakashi stiffened and his eye widened.

"It wasn't good. I honestly don't know what the old mans thinking. I know he wants me to socialize but how he's going about it isn't the solution. I've been so successful on missions in the past because I train and work with you guys. Now he's putting me in teams I've never worked with before. There's no trust and no knowledge of the others skills. He's just forfeiting lives. The first time he sent me with Iruka and he almost died. Then the mission last night... Two lives were lost and Kakashi was so close to being dead I had to teleport here. And now, after years of secluding myself, working alone, and making a mask of idiocy two more people know who I am. I'm honestly going to tell the old man that I either go back to working by myself, working with these two, if there even staying in Anbu after this shit, or I'm quitting ANBU. And honestly I'm leaning more towards option 3." Naruto said.

Everyone was looking at Naruto like he'd grown an extra head "What?" Naruto asked. "Why would you quit ANBU? You're the best operative that we have." Kakashi asked. "Well I'm about to graduate from the academy. And also... I'm 12... I might not be a normal 12 year old but don't I at least deserve to have as normal of a life as possible?" Naruto asked looking down at the table with tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"Well, enough of that, you two (Points to Kakashi and Iruka) need to get your injuries checked and go to bed. Iruka you should be able to go back to the academy tomorrow and sorry Kakashi your going to be stuck here for awhile... Unless you'd rather go to the hospital.." Naruto said,

Kakashi just looked at Naruto in horror "please don't make me go to the hospital, I'll stay right here and be good I promise" he begged

Naruto had to laugh. "Alright, the old man is probably going to show up at some point tomorrow so have your mission report ready. You obviously wont be here alone, about 3-4 of my clones should be here tomorrow with you. Now everybody to bed" Naruto announced.

As Naruto went to go check Kakashi and Irukas wounds he couldn't help but think how nice it was to have someone other than him and his clones there...

Authors note: Sorry for how long it took me to get this out. so much stuff happened and its just been super crazy!!! Feel free to comment, review, send me a message, tell me what could make this better, Also I'm going to pair Naruto with someone I just don't know who yet so let me know your ideas!!!

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