Chapter 8- Genin Exams

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As Naruto raced across the rooftops towards the academy he started thinking about the conversation he just had with the Hokage and how much has changed in a very short period of time. For one he was no longer in ANBU. That means no more missions. His blood clones could still do missions and work with ANBU if they chose to but he no longer has to. Another thing that has greatly changed is the fact that two more people now know his identity. And those two people are going to be a constant in his life for the time being. He and Iruka-sensei were close before but that was with Naruto acting like an idiot. Now Iruka knows the truth about him and he knows the truth about Iruka. Kakashi on the other hand he knows next to nothing about. He knows that he was his fathers student, he has an implanted sharigan, he just turned 21 years old and a few other menial things.

Naruto was so focused on thinking that he didn't realize that he had stopped and was standing outside the classroom. So with a deep breath he plastered a huge grin on his face and opened the door shouting "I'm here Iruka-sensei!" before taking his seat and waiting for the tests to begin. If he remembered correctly the first part of the exam would be a written test. Next would be weapons, then Taijutsu, then Ninjutsu.

After another 20 minutes the tests were handed out and the Genin exams had finally begun. Naruto took one look at his paper and knowticed that the his test had a Genjutsu on it, making all the questions Churnin to journin level with very few Genin level questions. Naruto decided to take a look around and saw that Mizuki had a smug look and a smirk on his face. Naruto decided to play his game and see where it took him.

Every test after that was pretty much the same. The wepons he was handed were weighted and off balance, in his Taijutsu spar with Mizuki, Mizuki didn't hold back at all, he also placed a seal on him to disrupt his chakra.

So by the time he got to the ninjutsu portion of the exam he already knew what to expect. When he walked into the room Mizuki and Iruka were doing the test Mizuki looked smug and Iruka looked confused. His confusion only grew when he couldn't preform a henge, do a Kawarimi, or do the bunshin. Iruka had no choice and had to fail him.

Naruto sat out on the swing outside the academy and waited to see if he really failed the exams to catch a traitor. It didn't take very long before Mizuki came along and told Naruto about a different exam. One where all he had to do was steal the scroll of sealing and take it to a secluded and abandoned cabin in the forest and learn 1 jutsu out of it.

After Mizuki left Naruto went to the Hokages office to talk to his jiji. Once he knocked on the door he waited for a 'come in' before opening the door and walking in.

"Ah Naruto! How was the exam? I'm going to assume you passed correct?"  the Hokage greeted and asked.

"No, Jiji, Iruka was telling me the reason he was put in the academy and i feel like I'd be a great help in outing Mizuki as a traitor. The main reason I say this is because his plan is to use me to steal the Scroll of sealing. All through the exams he made sure to block any chance I would have at passing. Now, both you and I know I could've handled anything he threw at me but I figured I'd play his game and see where it got me. And so far I know he wants to use me to get the scroll and most likely flee afterwards." He reported.

The Hokage just stared at Naruto for a minute before replying. "So, if your here telling me about this I'm going to assume you have a plan?"

"Hai jiji, My plan is to take the scroll to the location he has given me and get as much information as I can from him before I apprehend him and take him to Ibiki. I will play my part of an Idiot because he is more likely to give the information to someone who he doesn't think will know what to do with it." he replied.

"Alright then, take the scroll and head there when you're supposed to. I'll give you 2 hours to get to the location before I announce that you "took" the scroll to make it more believable. Be safe and I'll see you when this is over" the Hokage said as he got up to get the scroll. Once he handed the scroll over, Naruto headed to the abounded building that Mizuki told him about to wait.

-2 and a half hours later-

Naruto was sitting in the clearing waiting for Mizuki to show up when he sensed someone familiar coming up, someone who wasn't Mizuki.

"Naruto! What the hell are you doing! Do you have any idea what you've done?" Iruka yelled as he came into the clearing.

Naruto just used ANBU code and signed that yes he knew what he was doing and that Iruka needed to play along.

"Iruka-sensei! you found me already! I've only learned one jutsu out of the scroll but it's enough for me to pass right?!" Naruto yelled.

"What do you mean pass? pass what?" Iruka asked genuinely curious

"THE GENIN EXAMS! Mizuki-sensei told me about the other exam you can take to pass!" Naruto exclaimed hoping Iruka was catching on and by the faint glimmer of understanding that flashed through his eyes he did.

Just as Iruka was about to respond Mizuki showed up in the clearing. "Good job Naruto! Now all you have to do is hand me the scroll and you pass!" Mizuki said

"Naruto No! Don't give him the scroll, he's just trying to trick you!" Iruka yelled in fake panic.

"Naruto do you want me to tell you a secret? One the whole village has been keeping from you? The reason everyone hates you" Mizuki asked.

"Mizuki No! you cant do that, its against the law!" Iruka yelled trying to seem as panicked as he could, knowing for a fact the Naruto already knew about the Nine Tails


Naruto, who has been quiet the whole time slowly turned to Iruka "Is it true?" he asked, his voice breaking a little at the end.

Iruka knew what Naruto was really asking. It wasn't if the Fox was really sealed in him but it was if his parents actually died that night. "Hai Naruto, It's true" Iruka replied

During the conversation between Naruto and Iruka Mizuki had gotten his Demon shuriken out and started twirling it getting ready to throw it at Naruto and Iruka.

Naruto was in shock. He didn't know how he was supposed to feel. Kurama, the being that kept him sane and alive, killed one of his precious peoples parents. He knew that Kurama was being controlled because he eventually told him about it. But that didn't change the fact that it happened. and it hurt his heart.

Naruto was to deep in shock to notice the weapon hurling towards him. The only thing that brought him out of his thoughts was Iruka pushing him to the ground and coughing up blood.

Naruto looked around and noticed the weapon imbedded into Irukas back. He was pissed. In a matter of seconds Mizuki was knocked out, Naruto had summoned Narumi to take Iruka back to the house and Naruto himself grabbed Mizuki and teleported to the T&I building giving Ibiki specific instructions to make his life a living hell.

After that he went to the Hokage and told him about what happened and went home to check on Iruka and Kakashi.

It was going to be another LONG night.

Authors note: I'm so sorry its been taking me forever to update :( I have so many ideas for this story and I'm trying to figure out how to add them without it making no since. If anyone has any ideas  feel free to comment and let me know or message me :) thank you to everyone whose reading this. I love you All :)

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