Chapter 5 Flashbacks

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What's happening in flashback

Narutos thoughts outside flashback

voices/people outside flashback


A 2 year old Naruto is running through the streets of Konoha as fast as his little, unstable legs will allow him to. Behind him and quickly gaining distance is a mob of villagers screaming for his blood. He's about a block away from the orphanage, a block away from being safe from the villagers. Finally he reaches the door to the orphanage, he tries to open the door, he begins beating on the door relentlessly until he hears a shout of 'go away demon' from inside the door, the voice belonging to the head matron. without a second thought he turns around and keeps running. He doesn't get very far before something hard hits him in the back of his head, making him fall to the ground. He feels something thick and warm run down his neck and back. It doesn't take long before he feels the first hit of the night. It was a hit straight to his stomach, knocking the wind out of him and making him cough up blood. Soon everything turns into a blur of hits, kicks, and punches. Slowly the crowd starts to thin out and the more violent villagers start in on the boy. From there it became a blur of stabs and slashes. and finally only the worst are left. they didn't stab or cut him. no, the each took their turn raping the defenseless injured boy. Eventually they decided they had enough and left. Leaving the beaten bloody boy alone on the street.

please stop... make it stop...

A four year old Naruto is sitting alone in his apartment. When he turned three the head matron decided that he could fend for himself and kicked him out. Today is October 10th. Narutos birthday and the day of the Kyuubi festival. He knew at some point the villagers would be breaking down his door seeking revenge for their loved ones lost in the Kyuubi attack. And as if right on queue the door came crashing down and the villagers came in. They carved names like 'demon' 'murderer' and more onto his skin. They spray painted the walls of his apartment with those same names. They beat and stabbed him, they violated him and raped him. When he couldn't take anymore he receded into his mind and cried into Kuramas soft fur listening to the comforting purring of the gigantic fox.

I don't want to see this...

A six year old Naruto is walking home at night thinking about the past 2 years. After the attack on his 4th birthday he woke up in the hospital with the Hokage watching over him. The Hokage told Naruto he knew he wasn't who he pretended to be and asked why he didn't defend himself, Naruto explained that it would only make them see him as an actual threat, something to be feared, an actual demon. So he started acting like an idiot, pulling pranks and becoming overly loud and obnoxious. Also if he showed his true strength it would raise questions about how he was learning these things and he really didn't want to explain his relationship with Kurama (the nine-tails), which by the time he turned 4 was more like a mother-son relationship. Over time he learned from the fox, making him as strong as he could be. It was at this point the Hokage asked him to show him how strong he truly was, and after a demonstration he was quickly placed in ANBU.

Out of nowhere something hits him in the back of the head, making him fall to the ground, the only thing going through his head was 'here we go again'

why won't this stop... please make it stop

An 8 year old Naruto is heading to the outskirts of the village where his new house is. A year and a half ago he finally saved up enough money to build himself a house. The house was built underground to protect it from the villagers. Above the underground house is another small 'house' which is only there to keep the villagers away from his real house. Naruto spent months creating and placing seals all over both houses to keep them safe and mostly hidden.

As he walks up to his house, which is also the entrance to the underground house, he see villagers gathering around it trying to set it on fire and break in. Obviously that wasn't working because of the seals. Naruto decided to jump into a tree to wait out the villagers. Unfortunately Naruto didn't see an explosive tag until it was a second to late. He jumped away from the tree, suffering minor burns, it wasn't bad but it was enough to distract him just long enough that the villagers swarmed him and tied him up. 'this is new' Naruto thought. Soon enough they had him tied up in a tree, hanging like a piñata. And at that point Naruto knew this was going to be one of the worst beatings of his life. The villagers grabbed bats and sticks and whips and started beating the boy, his already beaten body swinging back and fourth with each blow. And like every time the beatings happened it didn't stop there, soon the weapons were out and his skin and muscle tissue were being torn apart by the sharp objects.

And of course at the end of every beating the lowest of the low decide to come out and play. As they cut the boy down from the tree Naruto could hear one ask the other if they should switch it up this time. He could feel the malicious smile spreading across the other mans face as he told the first what a great idea that was.

Naruto could only feel dread as he started to beg them to just let him go, and could only cringe and let a tear slide down his face as he heard them laughing.

Apparently their idea was that to get started they should use their kunai to rape him. Narutos screams could be heard throughout the village but anyone who would even think of helping him was asleep by now. Thankfully he didn't last long before the pain completely clouded his vision and he drifted into unconsciousness.





AUTHORS NOTE: I know this is a lot different than the original chapter 5 and I'm sorry if you liked that version better but there wasn't much I could do about it. THANKYOU FOR READING:) and feel free to comment, review, message me and tell me what you think:)

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