Chapter 4- The Mission Gone Bad

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Narutos house (Narutos POV)

As soon as I got home from my conversation with Jiji I immediately start getting ready and packing for my mission tonight.

As I'm packing and getting ready I hear a knock on my door. "Come in." I shout to make sure whoever it is heard me. A second later Iruka walks in and stands right by the door. He still looks pretty upset by what I said earlier and I mentally curse myself for not watching my mouth. I may be a ruthless killer but I still have a heart. No matter what other people may think.

Before I can even say anything Iruka starts talking. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about the injury. I didn't think it was that serious. I know when I got it and it really didn't feel bad. Then I found out that you were... well you... and I forgot about it.... I'm sorry.." he says looking down, ashamed. "No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled. It was honestly the poison that made your leg feel numb so you wouldn't notice an injury that bad. It was also my first time working with somebody. I don't really need to worry about injuries or poisons because Kurama takes care of all that, so I didn't really think about checking you for injuries." I sadly replied.

After Iruka and I finished talking I finished packing and getting dressed, I put my mask on and headed towards the Hokage Tower to get my mission and meet this other ANBU I'm supposed to be working with.

After I knocked on the door and walked in the first think I see is a man in a dog mask with gravity defying silver hair dressed in the regular ANBU uniform, reading an orange covered book.

"Ah, Kitsune, there you are, I was starting to think you had bailed out of this mission because of your problems working with people." the Hokage joked. "Hokage-sama, I think you know very well that I would never bail out of a mission. I was a little busy with my house guest." I dryly replied.

"Alright, on to the mission. This is an unranked mission due to the fact that there are to many unknown variables. There have been multiple sightings of a group of missing nins from all over that have banned together and are creating a lot of problems all over the elemental nations and they were recently seen heading toward fire country. I have picked out two more people who will be accompanying you on this mission. Hawk, Neko, you may come in now." the Hokage said/ explained.

As soon as he finished saying this two more masked figures appeared, one with a hawk mash and the other with a cat (Neko) mask.

"Alright you four, Kitsune is going to be the leader of this group, come back safe." the Hokage said as he dismissed us.

"Ok guys, looks like were heading to the border. I know none of you really know me and I have no right to ask you all to trust me. just know that I will do everything in my power to make sure we are all coming back here in one piece. Now, before we get to far I need to know your specialties, mine are Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, and Finjutsu. I have others but those three are my best ones." I said

Dog was the next to speak, "Uh, Ninjutsu is my specialty" he said next was Hawk "Genjutsu" he simply said and last was Neko "Taijutsu and ninjutsu." she said.

(third POV)

As they reached the border of fire country they saw their targets. They all stood together as Kitsune pointed out more than 10 S-ranked missing nins and thirty more ranging from B and A ranked.

As Kitsune was trying to figure out how the four of them were supposed to take out 40 missing nins, he saw something in the corner of his vision, he spun in the direction just in time to see Nekos' head being disconnected from her body and her blood being sprayed on the three remaining members of the team. Kitsune reacted before her head even had time to hit the ground.

He called forth Kuramas chakra and a golden cloak formed around him. His hair became wilder and his eyes a reddish-gold. He used his chakra to envelope and protect the remaining members. He also made two shadow clones to stay with the remaining two members while telling them to grab dog and hawk and hide.

After the rest of his team were a safe distance away he created another eighty shadow clones and pumped them all with as much chakra as he could and ordered them all to attack.

That was the last thing he remembered before he blacked out. He woke up with a start and looked around and all he could see was blood, guts, limbs, and other various body parts. His stomach was violently protesting the sight but he held it back.

His head suddenly snapped up. He wasn't alone on this mission. 'Neko is dead, where is Dog and Hawk?' he thought. "DOG! HAWK! WHERE ARE YOU!" he scream. at first he heard nothing everything was as silent as the dead. Then suddenly he heard a very faint cough, only able to hear it because of his advanced hearing.

(Narutos POV)

I ran as fast as my beaten, exhausted body would allow me towards where I heard the cough. I finally reached the body that was coughing. Silver gravity defying hair was now red. The ANBU uniform destroyed, shredded to pieces, and quickly being stained red.

"DOG! DOG CAN YOU HEAR ME?" I scream with tears running down my face. I see dull grey eyes fluttering open "Dog, where's hawk?" I ask, panic and pain in my voice. My only response was a slight shake of dogs head. 'FUCK!' I scream in my head.

"Am I going to die?" a very weak voice asked. My eyes snapped to dogs "NO! I'm not going to let you die to, just hang in there dog. You're going to be fine. Just relax I'm going to get us home ok?" I tell him as I make 40 shadow clones to clean up and seal all the bodies, eat a food pill, gently pick up dog, and teleport back home trying to ignore the tears running down my face.

Back at Narutos house

As soon as I got home I Immediately ran to my medical room and started a diagnosis on dog, quickly figuring out that he has a punctured lung, broken ribs, both arms broken, a broken leg, fractures on his skull and gashes all over his body. I make another two clones, take another food pill, and get to work.

Hours later I finally have Dog in a stable condition and resting in another one of the guest rooms being pumped full of fluids, blood, and pain killers.

Finally after I have Dog all set up I make my way to the shower, turn it on, get in, and finally break down. sitting on the bottom of the shower letting out all the fear, anxiety, guilt, and pain. never again would he be the same.

AUTHORS NOTE- Again thank you to everyone whose been reading this:) feel free to leave comments, reviews, opinions, suggestions.

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