Chapter 18: Tanadiwani

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26-2-2-4012 DM, Takyanan Forest, Telama, Hilaraya

Alyana felt the warmth of Dari's hand as she pulled him up to stand. She knew that he could feel her cold hand in his but he didn't seem to mind. Her hands had always been cold, even to herself, and she didn't know why. The other piriharani she met in Kanay had normal hands like Dari's, and none of them could tell her why hers was cold, including Saraji Hamara, but this didn't bother her because she would eventually find out why, in one way or another.

While Alyana held Dari's hand, she felt something odd. She felt comfortable. This was a strange sensation to her because she had not felt comfortable with another person in the last five cycles. She had always preferred solitude over the company of anyone. Oddly, she felt at ease in Dari's company. As soon as she saw him rising to his feet, she started to lead him up the banks and away from the stream.

"Are we going back to the road?" Dari asked from behind Alyana.

Alyana initially thought that they should follow the stream eastward because it ran almost parallel to the road going to Janang. Two nights ago, she asked the waters of the stream to carry her westward so she could follow the lakadu's progress, but she didn't know if she could ask the stream to carry her and Dari back to Janang. Besides, she was already too exhausted to keep her mind locked on to the song of the waters, so she decided that it would be better for them to take the road instead. She realised that she was still holding Dari's hand and immediately decided to let go of it.

"Yes. It's our best route back to Janang. It was difficult to follow the stream as I did when I stalked the lakadu's wagon, and I don't reckon you're strong enough for that kind of exertion," Alyana replied.

"Alright. Lead on," Dari replied.

Under waning moon's the dim light, which seeped through the forest's canopy, Alyana led their way through the whitewood trees, the strange blue moss, and the bushes to get back to the road. The lakadu's wagon was still there as she expected, and it seemed that nobody had passed by since they left. The canopy of the enormous trees covered the sky above the road with a few small open patches, which showed her the winking stars in the clear night sky. The forest was silent, except for the occasional sounds made by small animals scurrying through the undergrowth and the rustle of leaves and branches as they swayed with the wind.

"Stay here," Alyana said as she gestured for Dari to stand beside the wagon. "I'll check on that wretched lakadu back there to see if he's still napping."

"Be careful," Dari said as he stood near the wagon's door.

"I will, don't worry," Alyana replied, then she turned to walk in the opposite direction going west.

Alyana walked quickly to where the lakadu was tied on a blackwood tree just a few arms down the road. From a distance, she saw that he was still there, securely bound in vines, leaning against the black bark of the tree, and snoring loudly. She reckoned that he would stay this way for a few more hours so she headed back to wagon.

"Is he still there?" Dari asked as he saw Alyana approaching.

"Yes, but we better hurry. He won't stay asleep for long," Alyana replied as she looked eastward to the road that led back to Janang.

Alyana beckoned Dari to follow her, which he did. They walked side by side in the middle of the road with Dari to her left. She looked towards him and she saw that he was quite struggling to walk straight. She didn't want to exhaust him, but they had to move as far away from the lakadu as their feet could carry them. She was quite certain that he wasn't strong enough to walk far, but walking along the hard-packed dirt road ahead of them shouldn't be too difficult for him. She reckoned that it would be dawn soon and she was glad about it. She would welcome a little more light in this dark scary place.

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