Chapter 30: Parting of Ways

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34-2-2-4012 DM, Eranga, Telama, Hilaraya

Aron took a sip of kopi from his wooden cup as he regarded the common room of The Grey Anvil. It was very early in the morning, just a few minutes after the second hour of light, and there were only a few people in the common room breaking their fast. Looking around, he noticed that the atmosphere seemed lighter than the previous day. It wasn't actually cheerful, but it was an improvement, nonetheless and he was glad for it. The events of the last couple of days made him emotionally exhausted. The previous day, Periji Lamyang and Sheriva Anji needed to prepare for the funeral ceremony so they asked him to spend time with the bereaving relatives of those who died. He also took the time to listen to the other Gelangi who came to Garalahi to seek guidance. Spending most of the day listening to the lamentations, grievances, and hopelessness of different people was too much. He had to keep himself from giving in to misery that they felt. He sighed and silently thanked the Banaramai for giving him the strength to do so.

"Would you be needing something else, Periji?" the alipadu with the unusual accent asked, interrupting Aron's morning musings.

"Oh, now that you asked..." Aron said tentatively. "Would you be so kind as to bring me three loaves of bread, a kettle of kopi, and four cups?"

The alipadu looked confused when she heard Aron's large order so he quickly added, "I'm expecting that my companions will be down in a few minutes."

"Of course, Periji. Right away," the alipadu said and turned towards the kitchen.

Aron was about to take another sip of kopi when he saw the sleepy figures of Jesi and Mistress Dayana coming down the stairs. He raised his hand to call their attention. When Jesi saw him, he led Mistress Dayana through the tables to where Aron was seated.

"Good morrow to you Jesi, Mistress," Aron greeted the two as they took seats at the table.

"Good morrow, Periji," Jesi greeted back in a hoarse voice. His eyes looked puffy but he had a weak smile on his lips.

"Were you able to get some rest?" Aron asked politely.

"Well..." Mistress Dayana started. She looked very tired and her eyes were red. "We did get some rest, Periji, but not as much as we wanted. "

"Mistress Dayana and I talked about some of the arrangements last night, you know... for the shop and everything else, now that I'm leaving. Not that there was much to discuss, really," Jesi interjected. He tried to speak as calmly as he could, but his brown eyes betrayed him. Aron saw that he was still struggling with the decision to leave everything behind.

"Right, that we did," Mistress Dayana said, her voice breaking a little. Her eyes suddenly became watery, but she coughed to keep herself from sobbing and quickly wiped her eyes with her hands.

"Ah yes, that would have been quite a discussion, I imagine," Aron commented, feeling rather awkward. He knew that the two had talked to each other well into the night. He heard their voices from the next room through the wall by his bed. He wasn't able to hear their conversation clearly and he didn't want to pry, so decided to ignore them and get some sleep.

"Will the others be coming down soon?" Jesi asked looking around as if expecting to see the others.

"I expect so," Aron replied after sipping kopi from his cup. "Why don't you two break your fast with me while we wait for them to come down? Ah! Just in time."

Aron saw the alipadu coming out of the kitchen, carrying two trays laden with what he asked for. The alipadu walked towards them steadily despite her burden, and carefully laid the food and drink on the table. The buttery and earthy smell of freshly baked wheat bread and the delectable aroma of kopi immediately filled the air.

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