Chapter 28: The Hooded Visitor

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32-2-2-4012 DM, Gelang, Telama, Hilaraya

The night was unusually quiet, even for this remote part of Gelang. The tragedy that happened earlier that morning had dampened the spirits of the Gelangi, causing the entire town to almost be deserted as early as the fifth hour of darkness.

Lakban was exhausted from the day's work and all he wanted at the moment was some sleep. He shifted uncomfortably on his chair as he absentmindedly gazed at the dancing light of the candle on the table before him. His dinner of roasted fish and steamed vegetables lay unfinished on the table. A gust of wind blew from the open window to his right, making the candlelight dance faster, distracting him from his musings. He looked towards the open window and rubbed his forearms together as he felt the cold night wind. It wasn't supposed to be this cold in the summer, but he saw the overcast sky from the open window. The smell of imminent rain in the air explained everything. It wasn't unusual to rain in the summer after all. It could just be what he needed to have a more relaxing sleep. He always found the pattering of raindrops on the roof very soothing.

Lakban stood up from his chair, and was about to walk towards the open window to close it, when he heard a loud crashing noise from behind him, making him jump. He quickly turned around to see what had caused the noise and saw, to his surprise, that his front door stood ajar. It was dark outside and eerily quiet. He should have been used to the quiet by now. He had chosen to live in that house that stood at the far eastern edge of Gelang two cycles ago. He needed a quiet place to rest after a long day's work at the town centre, but the deafening silence that night made him uncomfortable for some reason.

Slowly, Lakban walked towards his front door while his heart pounded faster with every step. As he passed by his small dining table, he grabbed his staff that lay on it and continued his cautious progress towards his front door, keeping his senses sharp and alert. He was about two arms away from the door when the sky was momentarily lit by lightning, and he saw something that made him stop walking. A hooded figure was standing about an arm away from the threshold. The light went out as quickly as it came and darkness consumed everything beyond his front door once again. He thought that what he saw was a mere trick of the light, but the hairs on his arms suddenly stood up when he heard the booming sound of thunder followed by a cold menacing voice issuing from the darkness.

"Good evening, Lakban," the voice said, sounding far from any kind of salutation. It was unmistakable. It was Avarna's cold unfeeling voice. What was she doing here?

Lakban immediately let go of his staff, which clanged loudly as it hit the stone floor, and bent down to his knees. He prostrated himself, his nose almost touching the stone floor of his house.

"M-mistress... I am honoured by —"

"I didn't come here to be flattered, Lakban," Avarna said, interrupting Lakban.

Lakban heard the flapping sound of a thick cloak and felt Avarna's footsteps as she crossed the threshold into his house.

"You know why I'm here, I suppose?"

"I... Yes, Mistress," Lakban replied curtly, trying to hide the fear that was starting to gnaw at his stomach. He had an inkling about the reason for Avarna's visit, but he didn't want to assume.

"Good. I always thought that you were one of the better ones," Avarna said, sounding insincere.

Lakban heard the swishing sound of Avarna's cloak and her soft footsteps on the stone floor. He didn't like the feeling of being observed in such a manner, especially that he couldn't bring himself to look up at his visitor. He heard Avarna's footsteps stop momentarily and heard her sniff in distaste.

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