Chapter 21: At the Crossroads

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29-2-2-4012 DM, Yatlang Village, Telama, Hilaraya

Aron felt sweat beading on his forehead as soon as the trees on either side of the road became houses made of bamboo and thatch. The road was dry and dusty, making him conclude that the rain, which fell earlier that morning while they were in the Takyanan Forest, didn't reach the village at all. The heat of the midday sun made him feel as if he was slowly baking inside an enormous oven, and there was hardly any shade from the trees on the road ahead of them. He wanted to wipe the sweat off his face with the sleeves of his robes but he immediately dismissed the thought. He didn't want dried mud on his face. He looked at Sheilin, who was leading their party and saw that she was making an effort not to fall off Serina's saddle while the mare trotted along the dusty road. He reckoned that she must be very tired after the struggle with the horses earlier. He looked at Jesi, who was farther to his right beside Sheilin, and saw that he looked exhausted, too. He shifted on Vinara's saddle and looked straight ahead, trying not to think of how weary he was himself. They just had to keep on going until they could find a place to rest in the village of Yatlang.

Despite his weariness and the heat that made him feel sluggish, Aron couldn't keep his mind off Dari. Where could the poor lakanidu be? Was he still alive? And if he was, how was he being treated by his abductor? He was worried to the bone and he couldn't help himself. The events of that cursed evening in Janang kept replaying in his mind ever since he woke up on a bed at the Menayagar in Janang. He found himself obsessing over what he could have done differently to prevent Dari's abduction. But it was no use. There was nothing he could do to change what had happened no matter how many times he thought about it.

Aron sighed heavily, closed his eyes, and said another prayer to the Banaramai for Dari's safety, wherever he was. He desperately prayed for the mercy of the Banaramai for his shortcomings and asked for divine guidance. After his silent prayer, he opened his eyes and kept his gaze on the road ahead.

A few arms down the road, Aron saw a lakadu running from one house to another, delivering what seemed to be an urgent message. From the position of the sun in the sky, he reckoned that it was almost midday and the lakadu's message was rather ill-timed given that most families would be having their midday luncheon. As the lakadu hurried from one house to another, he saw that a person emerged from the house that the lakadu just visited and went straight towards village centre. He was still shaken and weary from the uncanny incident in the forest a few minutes earlier, but his curiosity won over his weariness. He wanted to know what news the lakadu was carrying, so he waited until the lakadu was just a few arms away and called out to get his attention.

"Good morrow, my child! I'm sorry to disturb you, but what news do you bring?" Aron asked in the kindest tone he can muster as the lakadu was about to knock on the door of one of the house to the left. He pulled Vinara's reins, signalling her to stop. Sheilin and Jesi turned his way and reined in their horses as well.

The lakadu turned around and was taken aback by what he saw. He hesitated for a moment but he managed an awkward smile and responded.

"Yes, uh... Periji," the lakadu replied awkwardly and hesitantly bowed his head.

In the current state of his appearance, Aron reckoned that the lakadu had a difficult time recognising him as a Perayali, which was understandable. The lakadu glanced at Sheilin and Jesi, nodded curtly to acknowledge them, then turned his gaze back towards him.

"The Maji has called an urgent meeting with the heads of the families in the village," the lakadu continued as he removed his wide hat, which bore what seemed to be the crest of the village of Yatlang, with his right hand and wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his left hand.

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