Chapter 19: The Search Party

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29-2-2-4012 DM, Takyanan Forest, Telama, Hilaraya

The Takyanan Forest was restless and an unusual cacophony of sounds filled the air. Even the leaves seemed to tremble on the branches of trees despite the absence of wind. It had rained just before dawn, but, from Aron's experience, that shouldn't cause such racket from the animals and plants in the forest. He looked around curiously while he and his companions, Jesi and Sheilin, traversed the damp road southwest of Janang on horseback. They had been riding along the pedani road for a couple of days. With his eagerness to catch up with Dari's abductor, he led his companions and their horses to exhaustion the previous day that they were had to resume their search that morning much later than he had planned. He was starting to feel anxious, but he tried to remain calm and focused. He drew strength from the importance of his mission. He had to find Dari, even if it meant that they would have to search the entire Takyanan Forest. He made a promise to take care of him, and he would do everything he could to keep it. He must not falter.

The noise of the forest was starting to make the horses skittish, tossing their heads about. Aron gently stroked the soft dark brown mane of a mare called Vinara. She was one of the three majestic Ramayan mares that they bought for the search. After a few calming strokes and soft shushing sounds, Vinara visibly calmed down and continued to walk along the muddy road.

"I think we'll reach Yatlang in good time if we keep our pace," Jesi suddenly said as he adjusted himself on the saddle of a golden brown mare called Marena. He was riding in between Aron to his left and Sheilin, who rode a black mare called Serina, to his right.

"We should be there by midday, I think," Sheilin added.

"Yes, that's about right. It's the only village that I've ever seen here inside the forest. I remember finding it on my first travel to Kanay from Gelang after being lost in the forest for five days."

"But there are three villages here in the forest, Jesi," Aron interjected. He had stayed in all three villages when he was with the team that surveyed the forest many cycles ago.

"Oh, three?" Jesi asked, looking deflated.

"Yes, the other two villages are located far on the western side of the forest, quite some distance off the pedani road, unlike Yatlang, so those two are the more likely hideouts. We should replenish our stocks in Yatlang and make our way through the forest to find the other two villages. Have you been to the other two villages here in the Takyanan, Sheilin?" Aron asked, looking towards Sheilin.

"No, I haven't, Periji. I've gone through the Takyanan on my way to the Port of Amayra before, but I did not encounter any village going there. My Menava, may the Sepalahi bless her, advised me to follow the road that the pedani used so I would not get lost. I have been to Yatlang several times though," Sheilin replied, shrugging.

"Oh, by the elements," Aron said as calmly as he could, trying to hide his disappointment. He hoped that his younger companions knew the forest better, but, recalling what they had told him about their experiences in the Takyanan Forest, it was foolish of him to do so. Now, the success of finding Dari rested on his decaying memory of the forest's labyrinthian roads and paths.

"I'm sorry that we couldn't help navigate through the forest, Periji," Jesi said, looking apologetically at Aron.

"It's alright, Jesi. The Sepalahi will show us the way," Aron said as he sighed and moved his gaze towards the road ahead.

Finding one of those villages could also mean finding Dari and the other abducted harani. They had been holding on to the thinnest thread of hope since they left Janang, but it was all they had. Aron closed his eyes as he swayed on Vinara's saddle and silently prayed to the Banaramai for guidance. In his troubled state, he realised that he had not sought the Great Lord's guidance for quite some time already. How could a Perayali like him, someone who had dedicated his life in the service and veneration of the Sepalahi, forget to pray? He felt ashamed of this realisation but he didn't let his companions see it.

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