Time to Dance

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This is a long and avant-garde chapter...sorry in advance.

I dedicate this chapter to my best friend. I'm sorry for what HE did and when I return home stateside, tell him to turn on his location...I just want to talk. But for now, please enjoy this chapter and I hope it makes you feel better. Love and miss you, girl. ❤️

April 20th 2004

"You bitch!" A voice growled from behind me. I turned around to receive a backhand to the face, the force almost knocking me to the ground. "Elise!" Brendon exclaimed, but before he could rush to my side he was given the same treatment I was. What the actual hell had gotten into her??

Allow me to exaggerate
a memory or two...

Five days earlier

  "You guys want me to play this right smack dab in the middle of my set tonight?" The DJ asked as he plugged another wire into his half decorated booth in the gymnasium. It was prom night at Ryan's school and he invited Brendon and I so we could all attend the dance. Sam was restricted by teachers staff to stay away from Ryan during school hours.

However, this didn't stop her from texting him to talk at the dance. Unsurprisingly, she hadn't had the opportunity to talk privately with him since he made the big scene over her cheating. There was no doubt in any of our minds she was trying to foolishly win him back. But we had a plan to counter this attempt with what we were doing right now. Everything would go according to plan as long as we got the go from the DJ.

Brendon nodded as Ryan retreated farther under his hoodie. I put my arm around him and nodded with an uncertain smile. "Yeah," Brendon said, "my buddies and I here recorded this song especially for a special someone and thought you could mesh it in after slow dance or two." The DJ raised his eyebrow in concern. "This ain't a banned dance song like Genie in a Bottle or anything by Eminem now, is it?" I turned to see Ryan's eyes widen and bit his cheek behind his hoodie's coverage. He was trying not to break. Brendon let out a laugh. "Hah, we aren't that stupid, writing an inappropriate song for a Catholic school dance. Please, this tune is 100% teenager friendly. Here's the chorus." Brendon held up the earbud to his iPod and started playing their song for the guy. They bobbed their heads to the beat for a moment and then the DJ gave us a look of satisfaction "Damn, y'all ain't too bad for a couple of kids."

Brendon continued. "Thanks, man. If it cost you anything, tell the superintendents it was our idea. I mean, we do this for our music and a special someone, not for running a DJ out of a job." He said with a straight face. I was amazed he said that without laughing or looking nervous. Our excuse sounded so sketchy I was surprised we weren't questioned further. But I think he was serious about the last part. We most definitely did not want to cost this guy a gig.

The DJ flipped the hard drive around to see the name taped on it. "And the title... huh, that sounds harmless enough. Alright, who do ya want to make it out to?" He asked grabbing a sticky note out of his pocket. Without a beat, Ryan spoke up. "Her name is Sam Loverak."

(A/N: That's not her actual last name. I was vocally coached alongside a girl with the last name Loverak and I thought it was... a very distinct last name. 🙄)

The DJ looked impressed. "Okay, 'a special song dedicated to Sam Loverak.' You've got it guys. See y'all later tonight." We thanked him and walked out. We were actually going to get away with it...if we got out in time. "It's our last few hours as innocent folk, guys." Brendon said in a low tone. I wish he wasn't being serious, but he was right. We already knew we were signing our death warrant by handing that song over. Only hours were left for us to feel free.

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