Chapter One. A Confusing Gift.

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The Legend
of The
Magical Spork

I was having an average day in my giant mansion,

When my parents told me they were going on a
'business trip'.

They're terrible liars.

I watched as they pulled out of the driveway, and waved goodbye.

I sat down on the front porch and enjoyed the afternoon sun.

As my eyes grew heavy I let them close for just a moment and when I finally forced them open,

the moon bathed the landscape in a silvery glow.

I sighed and slowly walked up the stairs and into my bedroom.

I guess I wasn't that tired, because I stayed in my bed with my eyes open for a while.

Eventually, the butler came in exasperatedly, and turned off the lights so that I was able to turn over and fall asleep.


Suddenly, an eerie feeling woke me up.


((I am a restless sleeper, so I wake up often during my slumber.))

I pressed my body down into the mattress and looked around the room.

I saw something very odd. (Two glowing orbs?) I thought.
I sunk deeper under the covers as the orbs grew nearer.

Finally, I could see them more clearly.

They looked like eyes.
(Belonging to what?) I thought. My eyes danced with confusion, and fear.

The covers were almost over my head. Then, out of the darkness, a slick black cat emerged; one eye green and the other yellow.

I quickly let out a breath of relief, and relaxed just as much as was necessary.

Around the cat's neck was a note, carefully wrapped up in a red ribbon.

I cautiously wrapped my fingers around the small roll of paper, and took it from the ribbon.

I couldn't quite read it clearly,
So, without looking away from the cat, I reached over to my nightstand and felt around for my flashlight.

When I finally got my fingers around the thing, I picked it up and turned it on.
I looked down, reluctantly, and started reading.

Dear Iris,
We saw in your expression that you didn't believe us when we told you about the business trip. We are so sorry we are not allowed to tell you anything about our work, but we can give you this:

 We are so sorry we are not allowed to tell you anything about our work, but we can give you this:

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Please understand. - Mom and Dad.

"A Spork?" I muttered to myself, as the cat cocked its head to one side.

It seemed as surprised as I was. I grasped the Spork in one hand, and examined it carefully.

"Hmm." I muttered.

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