Chapter 21

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I jumped out of Soundwaves arms and transformed into something blacking out. I felt different, weird like i was acting like a earth animal but i didn't know for sure. When i woke up from my blackout knockout was… knocked out on the floor along with four of the Autobots, the only mech left was Optimus Prime and this time i couldn't control my body but i could control what i see, that being everything that i did. I jumped on Optimus, somehow making it so he couldn't move and tore open his chest plates to see his spark and the Matrix of Leadership. I used my claws or servos i don't know which one to pull it out his spark knocking him out as well. I then transformed back and looked at what i had done, the four bots were covered in energon but nothing to major to fix and Optimus Prime began to shrink a bit and finally he was a bit shorter than my father would have been. “Lilac alright? Turned to a predacon. Gone on a rampage. Took out six Autobots.” i looked at Soundwave a smirk on my face, no one was going to stop me now…    i looked at the Matrix of Leadership in my servos then back at the knocked out Autobots. “Soundwave put these Autobots in the strongest cell we have please.” Soundwave nodded and while he did that i went to the cell were all the other Decepticons were chained up. “Who here is loyal to Megatron?” I glared around the cell and instantly everyone started nodding. “Who here wants revenge on the Autobots for the all the deaths we have had?! Who here is ready to follow under a new leader… me…” i looked around, no one said anything and that's when i transformed into my predacon mode and roared they all instantly began cheering and whooping. I melted the chains off of them and gave them orders and instructions, my father is not gonna die in vain… When i found Soundwave again he had his mask repaired and Knockout was behind him trying to hide from me. “Well well well if it isn't the Decepticon traitor!” Knockout jumped back when i tried to punch him which made me angrier. “I.. i was planning on rescuing you and Soundwave eventually!” I growled at him and transformed back into my predacon mode which shocked him a lot. I smirked and tackled him to the floor daring him to make a move but he didnt frozen in fear. “Alright alright im sorry I'm sorry just please stop your scratching my paint!!!” i got off of him and sat near Soundwave cleaning my claws proudly. “When did you get a predacon mode? Your carrier had that mode before she died but she was only half of one.” i transformed again and sighed, i found this form by accident when i snapped at Optimus Prime. “I snapped at Optimus and transformed, i blacked out and when i realized what i was doing i ripped the Matrix out of his chest… Now i am leader of the Decepticons and i am going to give you mercy for being a traitor… You shall continue being the medic so go do what you need to, you will be disabling the Autobots weaponry in a few hours.” He nodded and walked off to the medbay while i turned around to Soundwave with a smile. “Soundwave wish to return to original job if Lilac choose.” I nodded and went to go find Predaking, there was a battle about to go on and only one predacon is going to win.

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