Chapter 7

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I woke up laying on a berth but not my own, i looked around seeing my father sleeping in a chair. “Father where am i..?” He woke up instantly and was by my side before i could say scrap. “Lilac! Are you alright?!” i tried to sit up and found it painful so i stayed laying on the berth. I closed my eyes and sighed happily knowing i had saved him from Starscream. “Father… Where is Starscream?” He growled at the mention of his name, and his optics glowed red. Breathing heavily i closed my eyes again. “He is in a cell… He attempted to murder me and kill you.”  i finally gathered the strength to sit up and hugged him feeling safe “I am sorry i failed you father… I only wished to prove i could be strong.” He looked at me like i was crazy and hugged me again, when he pulled away i saw a tear fall down his faceplates. “You didn't fail me, Starscream did… I believed he was my loyal second in command.” I layed back down and fell asleep, listening to a soft song being sung. When i woke up i felt much better and looked around the room seeing my father nowhere to be found so i decided to read a datapad that was left on his desk. “My plea to the Prime council was useless and i had to watch as the one i call brother was taken from me and replaced with a new prime who didn’t even recognize me. I called his name but it was no use, the friendly, shy librarian who i called my brother was gone… erased from time and space and replaced with this… Optimus Prime.” i stared in shock at the datapad and wiped away the beginning of tears when i looked at the date this was written… a day before he made his speech of how the council failed us. “What are you reading Lilac?” i jumped and turned around hiding the datapad behind my back seeing Megatron in the entrance. Shaking in fear i started crying and fell to floor hiding my face as i cried “Lilac what's wrong?!” He rushed over to me and knelt checking for wounds or anything he could find. That’s when he saw the datapad and grabbed it from me just reading the date on it. “Why are you crying Lilac…? Why were you reading this?” i wiped away my tears and lowered my head when i saw the anger in his optics. I refused to answer him and lowered my helm. “Lilac… Don't make me ask you again!” i gulped and slowly looked up at him. “Father i am sorry… i just got bored and saw the datapad on the desk… When i read it i realized it was the day before you gave your speech on how the Primes failed us… Is that why they failed us or is that why they failed you?” He growled throwing the datapad onto the desk again “You can't possibly understand what it feels like to lose someone you deeply care about!!” His sudden outbreak shocked me and i backed up shaking in fear. “Actually i can understand father… i had four friends at the orphanage who were very dear to me… The day of your speech a tall red and blue mech came into the orphanage and took all of the orphans over the age of fifteen… all my friends where taken…” He sighed and lowered his helm when the comm buzzed to life “Lord Megatron we have captured an Autobot and have it locked up.” Megatron stood up and motioned for me to follow him. When we got there i saw who they had captured, Bumblebee… “Ahh the Autobot scout… What a lovely surprise…” Bumblebee didn’t even acknowledge my existence and glared at Megatron “What do you want Decepticon?!” My father growled and looked at me telling me to come closer. “Yes my Lord?” He glared at Bumblebee then looked to me “Let me introduce you to my Second in Command…” Bumblebee looked at me with a hateful glare telling me he didn’t remember me at all “You made a weakling femme your Second in Command?” I felt my temper rising and i suddenly slapped him remembering when others called me weak and a loser. “Don't call me weak!!” I dusted off my hands and stepped back lowering my helm when looking at Megatron. Suddenly he grabbed Bumblebee by his throat and started to question him but i didn't care enough to pay attention until he threw Bumblebee on the floor. “If you don't want to cooperate then you shall perish!” Before Megatron stabbed Bumblebee he picked him up by the throat and i felt my softer side start to surface. “My Lord wait! What if you showed the Autobot mercy and sent him back with a message for Optimus Prime..?” Megatron glared at me for interrupting but Bumblebee was my friend before he was my enemy.  “Then what shall I do to him..?” His grip tightened on Bumblebee’s neck and it gave me an idea. “Crush his voice box… Show the Autobots that they should surrender or die…” Megatron smiled at me and did crushed Bumblebee’s voice box and left him somewhere on Cybertron before bringing me to his quarters. “Why did you stop me from eliminating the Autobot?” I lowered my head at his disappointment. “He was my friend before my enemy… I felt like i had to save him.” Megatron nodded then left leaving me to rest.

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