Chapter 2: School

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I pulled into the parking lot at school and sighed. Another 4 months of school, another 4 months of Mr. Zado, and another 4 months of early mornings. "What else is new?" I thought sarcastically.

I yanked my door open and grabbed my BackPack.

"Hey Ivy!" a voice shouted. I spun around to see who it was.

"Hey Kate!" I replied happily.

"Ready for another day of grade 12?" She asked in her normal cheerful mood. Kate was like a ray of sunlight, warming up anyone nearby. She had light brown hair and a small pink nose stud that matched mine. I was so lucky to have such a great friend.

"I think so Girlie!" I teased.

"Ah-Hmm, I think it's actually Officer Bestie!" she pronounced in her best police voice.

"C'mon!" I hooked my arm with hers as she started to skip off to the school, towing me behind.

When we got into class I took my regular seat beside Sam, my neighbour, and opened my notebook. I glanced over to my right and noticed he was staring me.

"Hey," Sam said in his silky voice, "You free Friday night?"

"Umm," I looked over to Kate and she nodded eagerly,"ya."

"Great. I'll pick you up at 9 o'clock," he smiled his shining smile.

I looked at the white board and read our instructions. Out English teacher normally just writes on the board for us so she doesn't have to talk. Open your textbooks to page 347 and read about poems, then write one.

Everybody did so. "My poem is going to be about my friendship with Kate" I decided.


Rrriiiinnnnnnnggggggg. The final school bell rang and I raced to my car. Here comes a fun movie night with Kate. I decide I would go get changed and then pick Kate up. I parked my car and entered my tall house.

The house had 3 bedrooms, one for me, one for my parents, and a Guest bedroom, a kitchen, a TV room, and a Library. In the Library I did all my homework.

I hurried up the stairs to my room and pushed the door open. I popped my phone into the doc and started my music. I danced across the room to my closet and grabbed a pair of shorts and a flowery shirt. I quickly changed into the clothes and brushed my hair. "Time for my movie!" I thought, happily, and headed downstairs and out the door.

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