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some fluff-ish cause most of this poor book is angst, oof


"Can I show you something?"

The two boys have been simply hanging out at the Murphy house all day, trying to soak up the last few weeks of summer vacation before senior year starts. It's now mid-afternoon, and they had been laying in Connor's bed together.

Connor looks completely serious when he asks to show him something, Evan's hand held in his. The blond nods.

"Please don't make fun of this. I don't think I could handle it."

Evan nods again, a bit concerned but overall just curious. "I would never."

Connor doesn't reply and stands from the bed, pulling Evan with him and sitting on the floor in front of a small bookshelf, which is covered by a blue sheet tacked to the top.

Connor's voice is soft when he speaks again. "I'm not embarrassed of this, by the way. I just know a lot of people would make fun of me, and they already do that enough as it is."

Evan thankfully doesn't have enough time to feel his heart shatter before Connor takes the sheet down. On the other side is the last thing the blond ever could have expected: a plethora of Taylor Swift memorabilia and merchandise.

Evan stares at it, wide-eyed. Not from judgment or shock, as Connor expected to see, but pure awe. There's all six albums on both CD and vinyl, confetti from concerts, tour wristbands, collector's magazines, and an insane amount of other things.

"This is... so cool."

Connor physically beams. "Really? You think so? I grew up on Taylor's music and it's always stuck with me through the years. She's helped me deal with a lot of shit."

Evan's eyes trail the shelves, finally stopping at a framed photograph sitting on the top shelf. Taylor Swift herself, her arms wrapped around a tall boy who hugs her back like she'd vanish if he let go. It takes a few seconds for it to register that this boy is Connor.

"You met her?" he asks, pulling the frame down to look closer.

Connor nods enthusiastically, unable and not even trying to hide the smile that spreads across his face. "Yeah, it was the best day of my life." He sighs, as if reliving the day inside his head. "It was recently, actually, this past tour. I told her about you. She was so happy to hear that you make me happy."

I told her about you. Evan's heart swells at the thought that Connor would think to so much as mention his name while meeting a world renowned celebrity; especially one that he so obviously idolizes.

Suddenly, the brunet engulfs his boyfriend in a hug, mumbling an "I love you" into his shoulder.

Evan smiles. "I love you, too."

After a few moments of silence he adds, "Y'know, I've only ever heard Taylor's popular songs."

Connor pulls back, appalled, and jumps to his feet. "Come on, Tree Boy, we have a lot of listening to do."


i'm a swiftie so please be gentle in the comments

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