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I'm sorry for the radio silence! To make up for it, here's a 950-word late V-Day shot!

Evan sighs as he shoves his backpack into his locker, not feeling ready for yet another school day. And just to add to that, today is Valentine's Day.

Don't get him wrong, Evan loves Valentine's Day. But his boyfriend hates it, and he panicked himself half to death for a week over whether or not to get Connor something for this dumb holiday. He ended up settling on a tiny heart-shaped box of chocolates, but now that he's going to be seeing Connor, the gift seems silly.

Deep in thought, Evan jumps when he closes his locker to see Connor himself leaning casually against the wall. The brunet smirks as Evan's shocked expression melts into a soft smile. "Hi, Ev."

"Hi," Evan replies. Although they've been dating for almost a year, the boy's heart still races around Connor. In all honesty, he hopes that rush of adrenaline-fueled anxiety never goes away.

Connor laughs at their simple exchange, pulling his small boyfriend into a hug. The hugging is a daily occurrence due to the taller boy's dependency on physical affection, but Evan has never objected. He loves the feeling of being pulled into Connor's warm embrace.

Once they separate, Evan blushes as he remembers the box of chocolates in his locker.

"Oh, um- I got you... something." Connor tilts his head, and Evan sheepishly retrieves the box, handing it to him and clearing his throat with a small cough. "For Valentine's Day."

Connor smiles, Evan silently taking note of the way his lips curl past his teeth - something that doesn't happen often with Connor's stoic façade. His voice is soft and quiet when he speaks, but the heart shaped box is clutched tightly against his chest. "Thank you."

The first period bell breaks their moment, but Connor presses a kiss to Evan's forehead before starting off to class. "I have something for you too, actually. Cancel any plans, you're coming to my place after school."

The entire day is spent in wonder, Evan thinking up possibilities of what his boyfriend has in store. When the final bell rings and the blond heads toward Connor's car in the parking lot, his nerves vibrate with excitement.

The car ride is mostly spent in content silence, Connor holding one hand on the steering wheel and the other rubbing circles across Evan's knuckles. Evan rotates between staring out the passenger window and lovingly watching his boyfriend's concentrated face. Before long, they're pulling into the Murphy's garage.

Connor pulls Evan into the empty house, their hands linked together like they could float apart if too much time was spent without touching each other. Almost immediately upon entering the living room, their lips are connected in a gentle kiss.

Evan can't help but smile into their kiss, his free hand barely brushing Connor's cheek before he pulls away. Connor is smiling as well, blue eyes shining.

"I love you, Evan."

"I love you."

Connor moves his entire body away from Evan, the bright smile never fading. "Okay, the actual big part isn't until later, but I kind of bought you something too."

Evan furrows his brow in confusion, but Connor doesn't elaborate, instead moving down the hall into his bedroom. Evan instinctively follows.

"Connor, you are so amazing." Evan beams at the tiny bonsai tree the brunet has shoved into his hands. A tiny red bow is wrapped around one of the branches. "This is the best gift I've ever received."

They both laugh and Connor yawns, setting the tree on his dresser and pulling Evan in for another hug. He sways them back and forth on the carpet, face buried in Evan's blond hair. "So sleepy."

Evan presses his forehead against Connor's chest, breathing in the scent of his cologne. "Let's take a nap, then."

Both boys flop onto Connor's bed, tangling limbs together until a comfortable cuddling position is found. Evan sighs contentedly as Connor's hand runs through his hair. Exhausted from the school day, it doesn't take long for them to fall asleep, each falling into a dreamless nap.

"Ev, time to wake up." Evan groans and stretches as Connor shakes him out of sleep, staring up at his boyfriend with tired eyes. Connor smiles, pressing a light kiss to Evan's lips. "It's time for that big part of your day."

Once Evan is finally awake and ready to go, they make their way back to the garage and pile into the car. "Where are we going?"

Connor doesn't answer, linking his fingers with Evan's. "It's a secret."

Evan is genuinely confused until they reach a small diner; the one where they went on their first date. The blond laughs as Connor opens the door and exaggeratedly bows with a jokey "ladies first."

They order the exact same thing they each ate on their first outing together, Evan smiling fondly at the memories the diner brings back. "Connor, I thought you didn't like Valentine's Day?"

Connor smiles, dismissing Evan's question with a wave of his hand. "I didn't, but that was before I... fell in love with you." He grabs Evan's hands from across the table, sparkling blue eyes holding infinite amounts of adoration. "You don't understand how much I love you, Evan Hansen. You're my entire world."

Happy tears prick at forest green eyes. Connor reaches up to wipe them away, almost by instinct, running a hand softly down Evan's cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too, Connor."

The evening is spent in gentle, loving conversations and hushed laughter. Afterward, the boys take a detour toward home and sit in the park, gazing at stars.

"I love you," Connor whispers again, not sparing Evan enough time to reply before kissing him. Evan giggles as Connor's kisses trail across his jawbone and down to his collar before the brunet rests his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. "I really love you."

Maybe Valentine's Day is even better than Evan thought.

Tree Bros Oneshots • Dear Evan HansenWhere stories live. Discover now