1 - The 'heroic' truth

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Possible lemons, fluff, suicidal thoughts, lots of hot anime guys, Really bad drawings, really bad english grammar and spelling
This is purely fanfic and i don't own anything except for some of the pictures(will write if they're not).
I gave up with trying to understand the honorific system so don't expect to see it anywhere.
If i did a bad with the spelling tell me i read all the comments and will try respond to as many messages as i can.

Midoriya stared at the small figure of his ex-idol. He crushed his dreams and still dared to smile?! He watched enraged as the small man grew twice his height and muscles seemed to emerge out of his limb. The originally scrawny man who looked like he would die if you gave him a firm handshake was gone, and once again there stood the symbol of peace known to the country. His two pieces of hair magically standing up despite having been limp mere seconds ago. The man bent his knees slightly and the next thing he knew he was gone, all that was left were two large feet shaped holes in the floor where he had landed earlier.

Midoriya felt his knees become weak and he slowly sank to the ground, guess he was worthless now, he had no future to look forward to. He looked to the edge of the building that was a mere 5 steps away. Just 5 steps and he would be free of all this pain. Steadily getting to his feet he walked over to the railing and looked down. Wow this was high up. He watched as a few people walked past below, completely unaware of what was happening above them.

Then he noticed 3 teenagers walk past, one had short curly black hair, and another had shoulder length brown hair. The one in front had spiky blonde hair, that could only be one person.


As usual he had the two other guys following him around, he heard him shout at them 'Idiots' and then they turned a corner and were gone. He stared at the ground so far below him and with a final sigh he turned around and headed for the stairs. He didn't have the guts to kill himself, definitely not while doing a swan dive as Kachan had told him. With a heavy sigh he picked his bag off the floor and slowly made his way home. Today really wasn't going well for him.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs he opened the fire escape door and began the trek home. As he looked down, watching his feet kick up dust on the dry warm summer day, a woman reached out and grabbed his shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.

"Are you ok dear?" She questioned with a warm tone in her voice. Midoriya looked up to see her eyes filled with worry. Confused he looked at her and asked,
"Yes why." But it came out more upset than he had wanted. The woman reached into her bag and pulled out a tissue. She stretched out her arm and handed it to him.

"Then you must have pollen allergies, i'm so sorry. Here this will help, you're really sensitive aren't you." Her voice suddenly become happy and apologetic. Realising what was going on he thanked the lady and took the tissue. He wiped his eyes and nose quickly. Since when had he been crying? Drying the last of his tears he continued home, during the entire rest of the journey he didn't stop once. Or at least that's what he should've done.

"You idiots." Bakugo half shouted, half sighed at his friends. Why had he agreed to go out today, he needed to get his form to UA sighed and delivered. As they were walking he felt a small droplet of water land on his forehead. He looked up but there were no clouds. Chalking it up to some kind of accidental leak in a pipe, he continued with his friends blabbering on behind him.

Together the three of them headed towards the nearby McDonald's and after ordering, sat down in the quietest corner they could find that had a relatively clean table. Opening the wrapper of his burger he took a large bite and started to chew.
"Hey Bakugo, don't you think it was a bit harsh to tell Midoriya to jump off a building?" Brown haired extra asked. His name was...? creepy stretchy bastard will do. He sighed, swallowing his mouth full.
"No it's fine as if he has the guts to do that? He's too much of a wimp." He chuckled and this and the other two grinned nervously.

As they continued to eat and chat Bakugo noticed the very wimp they had been talking about trudge slowly past the window. A woman stopped him and seemed concerned, handing him a tissue she left, then he saw Deku's face. His eyes were red from crying and tears were streaming down his face, Bakugo had never seen him this upset. Even when he had bullied Deku and blown up his hero journal he hadn't cried like that. Bakugo felt a chill run down his spine, he didn't like that. Then he realised why. He had been so focused on the nerd he had crushed the styrofoam cup with his ice cold drink in it, resulting in cold Cola spilling all over his hand, arm and the table.

Grumbling in annoyance he cleaned up the mess, washed his hands and left his friends after a brief goodbye. He headed off in the direction of his house, walking in his usual speedwalking fashion, arms swinging beside him. The sun was hot and the air was dry, making it even more uncomfortable. Despite his usually high tolerance of the heat he was sweating, exuding his usual sweet nitroglycerin smell. Like walking aroma therapy everyone around him seemed to take a deep breath whenever he was feeling hot and sweaty. He didn't hate it, but it was starting to get annoying hearing a bunch of sniffs whenever you walk anywhere.

As he was walking he noticed a very anxious man beside him, he had dark green hair that looked like sludge and a very nervous grin. The man locked eyes with Bakugo and he too took a sniff of the intoxicating scent. Smiling in an almost sinister way the man quickly walked up to Bakugo and spoke.

"Hey kid I need your help with something." Bakugo simply nodded. He was training to be a hero, how could he say no to someone who genuinely needed help. When the man saw him nod he seemed to smile even wider, and reaching out a hand grabbed Bakugo's arm. His smile was now a terrifying grin as he seemed to liquify into s horrible green goo.

"Thanks so much kid." The now goo laughed, his voice sounding deeper and distorted.sludge surrounded his lower body, lifting him off the ground completely taking away any hopes of escape. Bakugo growled and exploded his hands, he was sweaty enough to do it but after the first few times the villain realised this and held his arms so they pointed outwards.

"I wouldn't do that, might hurt an innocent bystander." The villain mocked in a singsong voice before laughing manically. Moving so that his hands were always facing somebody. Thankfully they had realised what was going on and had all started to run away. Ripping his face forwards he looked out to the gathering crowd with pleading eyes before being pulled back into the uncomfortable position.

Bakugo hated the feeling of the goo. It was all sticky and slimy and felt like his entire body was being groped. He shivered as the grip tightened on his hips, squeezing his groin slightly to hard. He tried to throw his head forward, now gasping for air. The mixture of the warm evening heat and the sludge villain's high body temperature raising his body heat to an uncomfortable level. This wasn't his idea of having fun.

Slowly the crowd was growing and by the time the sun had started to set there were many pro heroes on scene.

But they did nothing. They stood and watched as the villain slowly restricted the movements of his body and started to work it's way over the rest of him. Then he saw him.

Deku stood there staring. Probably came to laugh but he didn't care anymore. He had no energy left to fight the villain. With that he stopped resisting.

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