6 - The rush

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Walking into the league hideout Midoriya couldn't help the little excited skip in his stride. Walking up to Kurogiri he smiled, becoming suspicious enough for the purple portal to put down his glass with a sigh.

"What have you done now?" He sighed, his yellow eyes turning to look at Midoriya. He simply smiled wider and took a seat beside the man.

"My quirk, I figured it out. Or at least part of it." He babbled excitedly, practically bouncing in his seat.

"Can I go on jobs with you now? Please, please, PLLEAASEE!!" Midoriya pleaded, sounding like a spoilt child. Kurogiri sighed and shook his head.

"I've told you, until SHIGARAKI trusts you you're not allowed. And if you don't give us a name he'll never trust you." Midoriya's smile faltered slightly but it quickly returned as he jumped off the chair and did a little spin.

"I have a name." He said happily, doing another spin before sitting on one of the bar tables. Kurogiri turned to him,slight interest gleaming in his yellow eyes.

"Oh my, and what would that be?" Midoriya's face darkened and he let off a small grin, showing off his teeth.


Time skip brought to you by Bakugo's gay ass

Trudging up the stairs to his apartment he opened the door quietly, closing it he tried to do the same but the lock clicked.

Midoriya froze. The sound of metal seemed deafening in the silence. Standing silently he held his breath as he listened out for any sound.


Letting out a sigh of relief Midoriya slowly started to make his way to his bedroom when the living room light switched on, and there sat a very annoyed looking Inko.

"Where have you been?!" She demanded standing up and walking over to her son who was barely a few inches shorter than her. Midoriya stammered and averted his gaze.

"I ASKED YOU A QUESTION." Inko roared, clearly angry at his sudden and extended disappearance. Midoriya's hands instinctively wrapped around the straps of the backpack.

"I-I-I-I.." He stuttered repeatedly as he attempted to come up with a believable excuse. He could lie complately stone faced to police, Villains even Bakugo. But when it came to his mum he just couldn't do it. Inko tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for her troublesome son to give her a simple answer. The longer he waited the more suspicious she got.

"I was.... out with friends and lost track of time." Midoriya finally said, turning his head away. He couln't look her in the eye when he lied to her. Inko didn't seem to buy his excuse but she didn't press him any further. She simply flicked the lock to the front door for the night and headed to bed.

Breathing a sigh of relief Midoriya headed into the utilities room, dumping his bag on the floor in front of the washing machine. He waited till he heard his mother's door shut before spilling the contents of the bag into the washing machine.

Black, red and white went spilling into the machine and he quickly shut the door. Pouring the strongest thing he could find into the slot he switched it on an intensive wash. Picking up the bag he sighed at the large hole in the bottom. He would have to throw this one out.

As quietly as he could he made his way back to his room. Closing his bedroom door he lay face up in his bed, staring at his ceiling. The memories of that day came flooding back to him and he felt a surge of adrenaline.

He remembered the cold feeling of the iron, the softness of the human skin, and the heat of the blood as it flowed without restraint from his target's body.

True it was only a small time hero who isn't really that strong, but hey, it was his first mission. And it had been very useful. He had discovered a drawback of his quirk.

The time. It took too long to start it up. If he wanted to be efficient he would have to start preparing a good minute before he actually used it on someone. Over the past week he had been practicing, trying to get it to start faster, hurt less or last longer. The last one was the only one he knew how to control. The longer he stared into their eyes without breaking eye contact, the longer they were under his spell.

An excited giggle escaped his throat as he remembered the hero's face. His Joy to be asked for an autograph, his confusion when he had looked into his eyes, and then. Nothing. His entire body went limp, like a puppet with nobody holding the strings. From there it had been easy. Even Kurogiri had marveled at the simplicity of it all.

Not bothering to change out of his clothes Midoriya grabbed the corner of his duvet and curled up beneath it. Soon the exhaustion of his quirk trumped the short rush of joyous adrenaline and he fell into the dark nothingness of sleep. Until he heard a thump at the wall

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