3 - Random occourences

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*said would update more*
*Fucks off and makes a new book*

A few days after his miraculous revelation Midoriya was walking around the back alleys of the prefecture. This was the kind of place you don't go unless you have a death wish, or you were a villain. And the second option was what he wanted to be.

After walking around for a good few hours he decided to sit down on an old wooden crate for a while. His legs ached from walking so far, and he had had to run away from a scary guy who had insisted on taking his wallet.

Leaning back against the dirty brick wall he took a deep breath and half closed his eyes. He could still see but to unsuspecting passers bye he looked asleep. He watched as a few people walked by him, eyeing him over before deciding to leave him be.

After all, if you dared sleep here you were either really powerful or completely retarded.

He lay there for a good 15 minutes, just relaxing and catching his breath. As he was about to get up and leave the door besides him, which was some sort of back door, swung open and a man with a hand attached to his face walked out, followed by a black and purple floaty space guy in a suit.

The hand man stopped when he noticed Midoriya and walked right up to him. Giving him a once over he growled in a hoarse voice.

"Now what is a kid like you, doing in a place like this?"

"I don't think he's awake Shi-"

The space man interjected but Midoriya sat up, startling him.

He glared at the hand man, why was he asking such a stupid question. What else do people come down here for??

'Oh yeah I really feel like getting mugged today.'

Bitch please. He looked up into wherever the hand man's eyes should be and stared hard.

"What are you some kind of handy man? Why else would I be here, I'm looking for villains."

The hand man twitched and seemed to be smiling. He turned to the purple floaty guy who shrugged.

"You're the boss." The hand man turned back to him and started questioning.

"What do you want a villain for kid?"

Midoriya leaned back against the wall and folded his arms against his chest. He mulled it over a bit. Should he tell the truth or lie?

"I felt like getting killed so I'm looking for a villain."

The two men stood there in silence before exchanging a look. The hand man chuckled and removed his hand to reveal a horribly uncared for face.

"So how about joining the League of Villains, and maybe we'll kill you later?" Midoriya sat up at this and smiled.

"Perfect, but the dieing bit was a joke you know. I guess you're the boss of it then."

The hand man nodded and extended one of his own hands.

"Smart kid, my name's Shigaraki and this guy's Tomura. Welcome to the league of villains kid."

Midoriya took the hand but instead of a handshake he was yanked up off of the box and forced to stand.

"Well my name is... Not important, glad to join you all."

Shigaraki nodded happily and signalled for the three of them to enter the bar, they had talking to do.

Throwing his Xbox controller across the room he watched it hit the wall and shatter into 3 pieces. He sighed as the large red 'GAME OVER' ran across his screen, taunting him. How the fuck was he supposed to kill the damned demon king like that?!

Standing up he headed over to his console to get the spare controller when he heard the front door open. Not his but the one next door. It was Deku.

Running to the window he watched as the greenette closed the door behind himself, ripped up his hoodie and then left. Grabbing his own black band hoodie he grabbed his keys and slammed the door behind him. He hadn't seen Deku since the last day of school almost 2 months ago which was weird.

Their mum's we're best friends so they would usually meet during the summer holidays but whenever Inko came around she had apologized that he was out doing something.

Pulling up his own hood he walked a few metres behind the nerd. He would figure out what was going on if it killed him.

Wait where did he go?

Panicking slightly Bakugo spun around to try spot where Deku had gone. Walking forward a few feet he noticed that the idiot was walking down a really shady looking alley.

Glancing around he followed. He pulled back a few more steps and walked as quietly as he could.

After half an hour some weird bald guy came up to Deku and started to harass him.

"Gimme your wallet you little brat. I haven't seen you around here so you're obviously not one of 'that guy's' gang." Bakugo sniggered as he watched him panic before pointing towards him.

"M-m-my aqaintance had my wallet, ask him." The bald man looked over at him and Bakugo smirked evilly at him. The man released his hold on the nerd's collar and came striding over towards him.

Bakugo watched as the coward ran away and sighed in relief, now he could fight without being caught.

The man reached out and grabbed his collar causing his hood to slip and reveal his dark red eyes and spiky blonde hair. The man seemed to freeze when he saw the bloodlust in those Ruby eyes.

It didn't last long though and the man swung out a fist, aiming to hit him in the gut. Bakugo skillfully dodged to the side and placed his hand on the man's hip.

"Checkmate." He growled and he let off a small explosion. It wasn't enough to brutally injure the guy but it sent him flying into the wall.

Quickly pulling up his hood he ran off in the direction he saw the green head run. After running for a few minutes he rounded a corner and spotted green. Quickly he dashed back around the side and peeked around the edge to make sure he was right.

Sure enough there sat Deku. He was seated on a wooden crate and was leaning against a filthy brick wall. Bakugo could make out his chest rising and falling quickly. The idiot was out of breath from such a short jog.

Bakugo crouched onto the floor. It was for a better view, not to catch his own breath.

He waited there for 5, 10, 15 minutes before a loud bang startled him. He raised his head to see some sort of hand guy and a black mush dude.

He watched them as they had some sort of conversation and then Deku was grabbed by the hand and yanked up off the box. The three of them turned around and went back through the open door. The door shut behind them with a metallic scraping sound.

Bakugo sat there for a few seconds, the current event sinking in. Pulling out his phone he opened Google maps and looked at his location. The building was marked as some sort of bar. Saving the location for future reference he pocketed the device and turned to leave.

On the way home he stopped at a game store to pick up a game manual. He hated to admit it but if he was gonna kill that boss he needed help.

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