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For the next few weeks of the holiday Deku didn't return home until late at night, and left early in the mornings. No matter how hard he tried he never seemed to run into him. The events of the villain attack played through his head over and over like a broken record.

Those emerald eyes filled with tears as he desperately tried to free him from the villain's grasp. Those large warm hands that clutched his own as strong yet carefully as he could.

Leaning back in his chair he stared at the ceiling and sighed. What was he doing thinking like that. Getting up he walked to the door to head out to the store when he saw the very person he had been thinking of.

"Speak of the devil" he muttered to himself before walking down the steps to stare at Deku.

"Oi shitface, where the hell have you been all week?" When he didn't get a response he crouched down Infront of him and looked at his face. He gasped at the sight.

Deku's face was red and his eyes half closed. He was breathing heavily and when Bakugo tried to move him he noticed that his clothes were soaked. Checking his temperature he panicked slightly at how high it was.

"You're fucking burning up, what the hell." Deku made a weak whimpering noise before collapsing forward into his arms.

Complaining all the way, Bakugo carried him up the stairs to his door. Rattling the doorknob he cursed at the realisation that it was locked.

With no other option he carried the unconscious boy back to his home. With his mother's bedroom being out of bounds he begrudgingly dropped the green haired boy on his own. It's not like he could put a sick person on the couch, right?

The green haired boy whined at the loss of warmth and curled in on himself. He grasped at the bed sheets, looking for anything to keep his mind off the pain.

Dragging the duvet from under the boy he wrapped him up like a purrito. The green haired boy tried to wriggle free but he leaned over and made him look at him,their faces mere centimetres apart.

"Stay." He commanded before leaving to search his medicine cupboard for cooling pads and paracetamol. Had it been his imagination or had he turned redder when he had gotten so close.

Grabbing what he needed he left it open, he would probably be back anyway. Walking into his room he noticed Deku, unbundled but making no attempt to get away. He was listening for once.

"Good boy." He praised at he stuck a cooling sheet onto his forehead. Deku seemed to sigh from relief as the pad had an instant effect.

As Deku's eyes fluttered open he looked around the room in confusion. He sat up in a fever-drunk haze and slowly fell out of the bed and onto the floor.

'Strange' he thought, 'this looks like Kachan's room'. No sooner had he thought so in walked the man himself sporting a small apron and a bowl of what looked like porridge.

"Fucking Deku, get back in the bed, you're sick. Making me all worried and shit." The last bit had accidentally came out of his mouth and he couldn't take it back now.

Scooping up the small shivering boy he dropped him, but more gently this time, onto his now mess of a bed. Once more he bundled him up in the duvet.

"Sit up Deku and eat something, then take your medicine" Bakugo commanded and the green haired boy hid under the blankets in protest. Pulling it over his face and curling up into a ball.

"Nooooooooo, don' wanna!" He complained in a childish voice. Bakugo rolled his eyes in annoyance, but couldn't help the small smile that came to his face.

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