5 - Mario kart

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Midoriya stared into the mirror, watching himself carefully. He observed the small flecks of pink and red that danced through his emerald green eyes.

Gripping the edge of the sink he attempted to get that same feeling he had earlier. The burning feeling as his new quirk started up.

He watched his pupils dilate before constricting into almost dots. The faint pink glowed brighter till they completely overtook his green eyes.

Then it came, the searing pain that felt like a hot iron had just been stabbed into his forehead. Through the tears he continued to stare, ignoring the almost mind numbing pain.

The pink started to fade into red and then just disappeared. The pain just stopped. Midoriya fell to his knees and panted, his hands trembling as he brought them up to his face.

Brushing his matted hair from his face he noted how the edges of his vision seemed to have a faint pink tint, like he was looking through rose coloured glasses.

Standing up he quickly washed the sweat off his face and walked out of the bathroom and took a seat in front of the tall well dressed man.

"You alright, you took your sweet time." The man asked in a concerned tone. Midoriya nodded his head and picked up the glass he had been given. Taking a sip he smiled happily at the sweet liquid.

"When do I get my first mission Kurogiri?" He asked, draining the last of the drink. Kurogiri stopped for a second before resuming his cleaning.

"In good time, when you finally tell us you're name then I'm sure boss would let you come with us." Midoriya let off a small whine and leaned on top of the table like a child.

"But I finally discovered my quuiirrkkk!! I wanna goooo." He complained, like a young child throwing a tantrum.

"You do know by name we don't mean your real name kid, whatever you want us to call you. Be it your name, a nickname, or even your new villain name."

Midoriya froze, he didn't know that. He thought they had meant his actual name and so he had been hesitant to tell them. He pondered for a bit, what would be a good name?

His quirk was something to do with his eyes, and some sort of manipulation ability he guessed. He wouldn't know for certain unless he tried it on an actual person.

Then it came to him. Kachan. He could use him as a guinea pig. After all their parents were still good friends so he could get in and out without being questioned.

"Thanks Kurogiri." Midoriya sang cheerfully as he walked to the back alley door. Pulling up his hood he quickly made his way back to Bakugo's house.

When he arrived he pulled down his hood and did his best to give a cheerful grin. Something that had become harder over time. Ringing the doorbell he stood and waited, an Oscar worthy smile plastered across his face.

When the door opened Midoriya waved cheerfully.

"Good morning Mitsuki, is Kachan home?" Mitsuki smiled pleasantly at the sight of the green haired boy.

"That trouble maker is in his room. Me and Masaru were actually just about to go shopping." She said kindly, ushering the small boy into the house.

"Would it be ok if I stayed for a bit?" Midoriya asked, praying she said yes.

Mitsuki nodded, her smile growing wider.

"You know I thought he didn't have any friends, good you're still around Izuku." Midoriya's stomach knotted itself when she said that word.


They were definitely not friends. Not after everything Bakugo had done to him. And still he came back. Why?

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