Chapter Five

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Two weeks later, Yu Hao walked into the gym, so early even Zi Xuan wasn't there. He sat on the wooden bench, looking around the gym before pulling out his phone and opening a game.

Zi Xuan walked in ten minutes later, surprised to see the younger already here. He ran a hand through his wet hair. He had just finished working out in the pool.

Yu Hao looked up from his phone, meeting Zi Xuan's eyes, seeing his hair dripping with water, the droplets rubbing down the back of his neck.

I wonder what it would taste like to lick those drops off his neck...

He shook the bothersome thought away. They had been plaguing him constantly the past two weeks, thoughts and dreams of Zi Xuan doing very un-Zi Xuan things haunted his brain.

He snapped out of it, hearing Zi Xuan's curious voice. "What are you doing here this early?"

Yu Hao tried to think of an answer, but he couldn't. The only one that came into his head was "so I could see you for longer."

"No reason." He shrugged. "Just bored at home."

Zi Xuan sat down beside him, smiling teasingly. "Do you ever go out if it isn't for this job?"

Yu Hao's brows creased. "No. I haven't really been out since the injury."

Zi Xuan nodded, thinking slowly before he tried his next words, letting them spill from his mouth like water. "We should go out tonight." He held his breath, awaiting Yu Hao's next words.

"Like, on a date?"

Zi Xuan's heart yearned to go, yes! Of course on a date. But he laughed, shaking his head. "No. Like... normal... two guys hanging out, getting drinks and whatever." He smiled softly. "I know a great rooftop bar. The view is phenomenal."

"Cool. What time?" Yu Hao asked, trying to sound casual, even though Zi Xuan had just basically asked him out on a date.


"Sounds good." He smiled back. Seeing Zi Xuan's bright eyes, something in his heart shifted. He shook his head angrily.

Zi Xuan laughed at him. "What's wrong Yu Hao? You got fleas?" He slapped him on the back, making Yu Hao blush harder.

"Shut up!" He stood up, beginning to chase Zi Xuan around the gym, making the kids laugh as they came into the area.

When Yu Hao finally caught Zi Xuan, he ran into him with full force, his knee exhausted and hurting from the struggle of chasing him. Zi Xuan was strong enough to catch him, holding him close for a few seconds before they parted.

Zi Xuan ruffled his hair slightly, Yu Hao's smile making his stomach twitch with butterflies.


Now it wasn't exactly a date.

But Zi Xuan treated it like one.

Instead of wearing a button up, he opted for a casual blue sweatshirt, which was comfortable and warm. He accompanied that by a nice pair of skinny jeans, combing his hair and cleaning his glasses so he looked nice.

When his sister came home, along with George, (they had lasted longer than he had expected.) he was bouncing around. Chewing breath mints every few seconds, making sure his hair was staying in place. He would meet Yu Hao at the bar in twenty minutes.

He was just about to get in his car when his sister stopped him, pretending to clear her throat. He turned around, seeing Qian Rui with her arms crossed, one eyebrow raised at him.

"And where are you going?"

Zi Xuan sighed, leaning his back against the door. "Out."

"You haven't gone 'out' in five years." She looked at him sceptically. "Someone got your heart?"

He shook his head, trying to look convincing. "No. I'm just bored inside here."

"Sure." She turned around. "Be back by 12, okay?"

"I'll try."

With that, he headed out the door.


Yu Hao bustled around. Every time he made it to the door, he realized he forgot something else.

Shit, my keys.

Fuck, my wallet.

He opened the door and closed it again. "Fuck!" He ran into the house for one more thing, and then walked out.

Yu Hao was forced to walk to the few kilometres to the patio bar. It was perched on top a tall building, and was a very comfortable spot to spend a night. His license was still revoked, since he had been in a crash for drunk driving.

The night air was chilly on the bare skin of his arms. A few trees bloomed with beautiful blossoms, and coloured leaves fell to the ground on others. He felt relaxed, walking through the nice neighbourhood, the sunset trailing behind him.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled it out, glancing at the text.

Zi Xuan: I'm here already. How close are you?

Yu Hao surrendered both hands on the device.

Yu Hao: couple of blocks away. be there soon.

They had exchanged numbers before leaving practice today. Knowing he could text him whenever he wanted, Yu Hao felt his stomach twist.

Zi Xuan: Damn! Sorry, forgot you couldn't drive. I would've offered to if I had remembered.

Yu Hao: dw about it ;)

He reached the bar, looking around for a few seconds before spotting the handsome looking Zi Xuan. Taking a breath in, Yu Hao began to walk towards him.


A bit shorter chapter today... but that's okay... next one should get reallly interesting.
I'm actually quite proud of this story! I feel like I'm making it quite detailed and different from my other books published here. I hope you all think the same ;)

As always, please vote/comment!

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