Chapter 2

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“We’re hereeee,” Danny called out from the front of the van as we pulled up alongside Tom’s house.

“We know.” Harry said.

“Yeah, we’ve all been here before, Danny,” I chipped in small giggle.


We all climbed out of the car, the guys grabbing their bags from the back. It occurred to me that all my stuff was still at my flat. I guess I’d have to borrow some of Tom’s clothes. According the clock on my phone, it was around 7 in the evening; the McFly concert had been pretty early. All I really wanted to do was curl up in a bed, but it would be a little obvious if I did it this early in the night. I didn’t want them to see how torn up I was about the Michael situation.

Walking into the house, we were immediately greeted by Marvin, one of Tom’s cats.

“Hey, Marv.”

I bent down to scratch him behind his ears before following the rest of the guys to the living room. I plopped down on the couch between Tom and Harry.

“What next?” I asked, looking around. Danny and Tom simply shrugged.

“I want food,” Dougie groaned. “I’m starving!”

“Food!” Harry agreed.

This turned out to be a problem when Tom admitted that he had forgotten to go to the store, and therefore didn’t have enough food for a proper meal.

“Ugh, you men are useless. Give me your keys. I’ll get food and you can go write songs or whatever it is you do.” I teased.

“Aw, you’re so sweet.”

Tom handed me the keys to his Mini Cooper and suggested I bring Harry along because he apparently didn’t do a whole lot of writing. I didn’t know Harry that well, so I was worried it would be a little awkward, but I figured some company would be nice. Harry ended up driving, since he knew the way. I fiddled around with the radio until ‘First Date’ by Blink-182 came on. It was one of my favorite Blink-182 songs. We ended up talking about our favorite bands until we arrived at Tesco. It turned out he was a big fan of the Used as well.

We decided to pick up ingredients for spaghetti for dinner, as well as some food for the two days after. Harry actually turned out to be a really sweet and funny guy, and listening to his stories was a pretty good distraction from me thinking about Michael. We were driving past a small group of buildings when I yelled for Harry to pull over.

“What?!” he asked worried.

I pointed to the blue police box on the corner of the street, grinning.

“It looks like the TARDIS! I need a picture!” I explained, referencing the television show, Doctor Who. I stood next to it giving a thumbs-up while Harry snapped a picture on my phone. I forced him to take another one of both of us in front of it before he dragged me back to the car.

We made it back to Tom’s house shortly after, carrying several bags of food. Harry and I started putting the groceries away, and I put a pot of water on the stove for it to boil. Dougie, Danny, and Tom seemed to realize we were back because they came down the stairs to check on dinner. I assumed they had been up working in Tom’s music room.

“What took you guys so long?” Danny asked.

“Emma needed a picture with a box.”


I glared at Harry. “You’re making me sound crazy! It wasn’t just a random box; it looked like the TARDIS!”

I took out my phone and showed the pictures we had taken. Shortly after, the pasta was cooked and ready. We sat down in the dining room for a ‘pleasant family meal’ as Danny put it. They guys were pretty tired from their earlier show, so instead of working on their songs, we decided to watch a movie.

Tom put Back to the Future into the DVD player and sat down next to me. This left Dougie and Danny on my right, but then Dougie decided he wanted to sit next to Harry, and Danny wanted to sit on the other side of the sectional, so finally the order ended up being Dougie, Harry, me, Tom, and Danny. Like that wasn’t confusing or anything.

A loud banging woke me up from my sleep. The five of us had fallen asleep sometime during the movie. My feet were propped up on Tom’s lap and my head had been resting on Harry’s shoulder…awkward. The banging noise continued, and I realized someone was knocking at the door. Noticing the guys were still asleep, I groggily got up from the couch and went to see who the hell was knocking at 7 in the morning.

“What the hell?” I muttered as I opened the door. Michael was here.

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