Chapter 3

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“What are you doing here?” I hissed through my teeth, stepping outside to where Michael was standing. The stupid cheating bastard.

“Look, I’m sorry about everything. But we need to get back together.”

“No, I really don’t think we do.” I told him. I hated Michael. I hated him so much. But I knew that I still wasn’t over him, and if he continued to beg for us to get back together, there was a chance that I would cave. He needed to leave.

“Emma, I love you. You know I do. The thing with Samantha was all just a big mistake.”

“You’re an asshole; do you know that? What gives you the right to beg for my forgiveness after what you did?”

Michael looked a little ticked off at this statement. He was about to say something when the front door opened, revealing a very tired-looking Harry.

“What’s going on?”

“I’ll be inside in a minute.”

He looked a little worried. “Alright…”

“Wow, are you sleeping with the whole band?”

“Excuse me?” It just donned on me that he was slightly drunk.

“You heard me. I don’t know why I even bothered coming here when you were clearly whoring around.”

Ouch. That hurt pretty badly coming from someone I had spent close to two years dating. Definitely no chance of me caving now. I felt my eyes water slightly as the whole situation came crashing down on me again. It was really time for me to get away from him.

“Yep, you’re right,” I said sarcastically. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m going inside.”

Harry was standing in the foyer when I walked back in, still wearing his clothes from yesterday. It occurred to me that I was still wearing last night’s clothes as well, and my curls were all tangled up in the back of my head. I really couldn’t have cared less at the moment.

“Hey, what was that about? Are you alright?” He asked gently.

No. I thought. The tears that I had tried so hard to keep in yesterday were finally about to let loose. He seemed to notice too because he pulled me down onto the stairs and wrapped his arms around me. I buried my face in his shoulder and just let myself cry for a few minutes. We sat in silence for a minute after the tears finally stopped, and I tried my best to stifle a yawn; it was still pretty early in the morning.

“C’mon,” he said, pulling me to my feet. “Let’s go back to sleep.”

We made our way back to our previous spots on the couch with me curling up against him. It was both comforting and comfortable. I woke up a few hours later and realized I was the only one still asleep. I could smell Tom’s infamous pancakes cooking in the kitchen. Following the smell, I was greeted by the sight of the four guys sitting around the kitchen table stuffing themselves with bacon and pancakes.

“Morning, Sleeping Beauty!” Tom greeted me. I groaned and attempted to pull my hair into a bun. Grabbing a plate, I took the spot next to Danny, which was, thankfully, far from Harry. I was pretty embarrassed about earlier in the morning.

“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the couch!” Dougie teased, smiling. I snorted a little bitterly and tried to avoid Harry’s knowing glance. I disliked being pitied.

“I’m going to shower,” I announced after breakfast. “Tom, can I borrow a shirt or something?”

“Yeah, sure! Let me get you something.”

We walked up to his bedroom as Tom looked through his dresser for a t-shirt that would fit me. I sighed and sprawled out across his bed. Tom looked up at me, concerned.

“Are you alright? You seem down this morning. I guess with Michael and everything…” he trailed off.

“He came by this morning.”


“Yeah. He started off pretty much begging me to take him back and then proceeded to call me a whore, so that was nice.”

Tom raised his eyebrows, clearly surprised, and apologized as if it was his fault. That was something I loved about him; he was incredibly sweet at times. He proceeded to give me an old Star Wars shirt to wear later and a hug. Tom was kind of the best person ever.

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