Chapter 11

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As promised, Harry called later that evening. I laid my back down on my bed as I picked up the phone.


“Hey. Sorry about earlier…with Danny.” Harry said back.

“He’s not going to tell Tom, is he?”

“No,” he said quickly. “No. Danny wouldn’t do that.”

I sighed out in relief. I still wasn’t ready to hurt Tom with that information. Maybe later, if Harry and I became more serious, but definitely not now.

“So…I’m off limits, huh?” I asked hesitantly.

“You heard that?”


“It was sort of an unspoken thing, after Tom told us he liked you.”

“When was that?”

“I think when he found out you were going to be living in London. Four months ago, maybe? But I’m not sure when he first started fancying you and all. You were with Michael, so I guess there was a bit of a reason to keep it to himself.”

At least four months, and I never knew. I got up from my bed, holding my phone up to my ear but not saying anything. I wandered downstairs looking at pictures and random possessions that Tom had lying around the house.

“So what are you doing?” I finally asked, changing the subject.

“Not a whole lot. You?”


We stayed silent for a moment – not uncomfortable. Just silent.

“I just wanted to say that last night was amazing…and really special,” Harry told me.

“I feel the same way,” I said with a smile.

I heard a car door close outside. Looking out the window, I saw Tom making his way towards the house.

“Shoot, I have to go. Tom’s here.”

“Alright,” he sounded a little disappointed. “Bye Em.”


I placed my phone into the pocket of my pants and went to open the door for Tom. He greeted me, walking through the doorway in his green Mickey Mouse shirt.

“How were your parents?” I asked as he set his bag on the ground

“Great! They both say hi.”

“Tell them I say hi back the next time you talk to them.”

I followed Tom into the kitchen, leaning up against the counter as he searched his refrigerator for something to eat.

“What did you do while I was gone?”

I froze for a second. “Not a lot. Just watched some Doctor Who and stuff.”

It wasn’t a complete lie. I had watched the last half of an episode this afternoon.

“Typical,” he said with a grin.

I gave him a guilty smile back. We sat down at the table as Tom at his newly made sandwich. I picked up my copy of Looking for Alaska and was just starting a new page when he spoke again.

“I talked to Danny earlier,” Tom began swallowing the last bite of his sandwich.

“Yeah?” A million thoughts raced through my head. Had Danny told him? Did he know about Harry?

“Mhm. I heard he went out with Kayla the other day. Had a good time.”

God dammit. The boy nearly scared me half to death.

“Yeah, she told me about it!” I said with a fake smile. I was happy for her and Danny though, honestly. I suddenly felt uncomfortable with Tom next to me, knowing that I had slept with his best friend behind his back. He had absolutely no idea what was going on. “I think I’m going to bed. I’m pretty tired…”

“Ok. Goodnight!”

I went upstairs to my room, changing into a pair of boxer shorts and a sweatshirt. Climbing into my bed, I heard my phone beep.

‘Goodnight x’

It was from Harry. I smiled as I curled myself up in the blankets, falling asleep in minutes.

A/N: Sorry it was so short and so much dialogue! I just started school again last week and already have so much homework, so I haven’t had a whole lot of time to write. This chapter was a bit of a filler, so the next chapter should be better! Thanks to everyone for reading/commenting (:

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