Chapter 4

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The next few hours went by pretty quickly. I showered and changed into my jeans from yesterday and the shirt Tom had lent me. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun, letting a few of my curls hang loose. Without any makeup on, I felt a little self-conscious, but there was nothing I could do about that at the moment. Shortly after, we made ourselves some sandwiches, and the guys worked on a few song lyrics.

I soon got to wondering if Michael was going to stay in London and keep the flat. He didn’t have a job here or anything, but he did have some friends. That’s something we would have to talk about. I really did not want to talk to him.

Instead I decided to call Ricky, a pretty close friend to both of us. Hopefully, he could help us sort out the situation.

“Hey, Emma. What’s up?”

“Uh, not a lot. I actually need a favor…”

“Let me guess, you need me to be the middleman for you and Michael? The idiot’s passed out on my couch right now, looks like he’ll be there for a while.”

“Oh, perfect. Just keep him there for a while. I’m going to swing by and get my stuff from the flat. Our rent is almost up, so I can just look for somewhere else to stay…” I babbled on.

“Alright…I’m sorry about you and Michael by the way,” Ricky said sympathetically. “He really screwed up, didn’t he?”

“Yeah, he did. Thanks for help, Ricky.”


I enrolled the boys to help me pack up my belongings from the flat. We all piled into Harry’s car, considering it was bigger than Tom’s, and drove to my place. I was thankful that I hadn’t brought a lot of stuff with me to London; it would make the process a hell of a lot easier.

We were in my bedroom, shoving my clothes into a few of my duffle bags as fast as possible. The sooner we got out of here, the better. Grabbing a handful of jeans from a drawer, I was delighted to see Danny going through my bras. He lifted a pink lacey one up to his body and did a little dance around the room. Dougie was nearly in tears. Typical boys.

“Put that down Jones. It’s not your size.” I remarked, lightly shoving him out of the way so I could clean out the rest of that particular drawer before he got to it. We were done within two hours and back at Tom’s house just as it was getting dark outside.

“Emma, I have the most brilliant idea!” Tom exclaimed as we were walking back inside. “Why don’t you come and live with me?! I have that spare room that I never use, it would be perfect.”

“Are you sure?” Huh. Living with Tom. It could actually be pretty fun come to think of it.

“Yeah, c’mon we can move all your bags into the spare right now!”

“Alright,” I smiled back at him.

Tom reached over to hug me like an overexcited girl, and Danny, Dougie, and Harry all felt the need to join in.

“You’ll be living on the same street as us!” Dougie yelled after pilling on top of the spontaneous group hug.

Great,” I teased. I was about to say something else when I heard the sound of rain hitting the roof. To say that I loved rain would be an understatement. I immediately ran to the closet near the front door and found a pair of Tom’s old rain boots.

“Are you mental? It’s dark and pouring out there!” Harry asked, clearly questioning my sanity.

“It’s gorgeous out! Be back in a bit.”

I ran out into the street, letting the rain pour down over me. It felt good to be alone like this. I followed the street until I came across a bench overlooking a small pond. The rain sent ripples cascading across the dark water colliding into each other. It took me a while to realize I was crying. That was twice in one day. Just a few days ago, I had thought that Michael and I could possibly get married one day, with a family and everything. So much for that.

I thought back to this morning with Harry. As embarrassed as I was about my breakdown, I was really thankful for him. He was one of those guys that you could be comfortable around. Deciding that I had been outside for a lot longer than I had previously realized, I made my way back to Tom’s- or should I say our house? It wasn’t until I was back in the warmth of the house that I realized how cold I was. My clothes and hair were soaked with icy water, dripping down onto the tiles of the bathroom. I grabbed a baggy sweatshirt and a pair of leggings to change into, but still found myself shivering after the change of clothes.

Wrapping the big fleece blanket from the couch around my body, I decided to join the guys upstairs in Tom’s music room.

“Are you okay?” Tom asked me, concerned. “You look blue.”

“I’m just a little cold.” The headache didn’t come one until after I said this. I groaned and rested my head on the floor. Harry, who was sitting a few feet to my right, scooted over and lifted my head into his lap. I fell asleep listening to the strumming of Danny’s guitar.

A/N: Sorry, this chapter was written at 4 AM, so I’m not really sure if it’s any good or not! Anyone have an idea who Emma is going to end up with? (;

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