Chapter 13

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Tom was standing in the doorframe with an almost unreadable expression. Realizing that I was still lying on top of Harry, I quickly positioned myself so that I was sitting on the edge of the bed. Guilt flooded over me, and I was afraid to meet both Tom and Harry’s eyes.

“I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything,” Tom said sarcastically.

I bit my lip, but didn’t say anything. Next to me I could hear Harry shifting uncomfortably.

“So, how long has this been going on?” he asked in a sour tone, gesturing to the two of us.

“A few weeks,” I told him, finally meeting his eyes.

“And, what, you guys didn’t plan on telling me? Or anyone else?”

“Danny knew about it…”

“And Dougie,” Harry quietly added.

This was news to me. I looked up at Harry, questioningly.

“Danny told him.”

Danny really couldn’t keep his mouth shut, could he. Frowning, I turned towards Tom again, noticing the hurt look on his face. I felt my stomach twist at his expression; I had done this to him.

“Well, I’m glad you guys cared enough to tell me.” Tom remarked bitterly before leaving the room.

I noticed that Harry had the same guilty look as I did.

“Maybe you should go…” I suggested. “I’ll go talk to Tom.”

Harry nodded. “I think you’re right. We’ll talk later, yeah?”


I walked downstairs with him and was met with the smell of something burning. I wrinkled my nose as I spoke.

“Shit, that would be the cookies.”


I sighed as Harry bent down to put his shoes on.

“We really fucked up, didn’t we?” I heard him mutter.

I nodded, leaning against the wall. We should have told Tom earlier. Instead, he had to find out about our relationship, whatever that relationship even was, in the worst possible way. Harry’s blue eyes held mine for a moment before I looked away. We stood silent for a second.

“Bye, Em.” Harry said, giving me a hasty kiss on the check.


I made my way to the kitchen as Harry closed the door behind him. Grabbing an oven mitt, I pulled the sheet of burnt cookies out of the oven. Throwing them away, I set the sheet in the sink and began to scrub it down. It was only after ten minutes that I realized I was just trying to put off my talk with Tom. Nervously, I ran my fingers through my hair and stuffed my hands in my pockets, walking up to Tom’s room. I knocked on the door, but there was no response.

“Tom?” I called out. I tried the doorknob to find it was locked. “I’m sorry that I hurt you, okay? I know Harry is too.”

Tom opened the door a few seconds later. “What makes you think that I care about you and Harry?” he asked coldly. “Why would I be hurt?”

I wasn’t what to say.

“I’m sorry.”I repeated.

“Don’t waste your apology,” Tom said flatly. “I don’t care.”

He shut the door in my face. As if I wasn’t feeling crappy enough about the whole situation. It was best if I got out of the house, for both Tom’s sake and my own. I called up Kayla.

“Hey Emma.”

“Is it alright if I stay over tonight?”

She paused, judging the urgency in my voice. “Yeah, of course. I’ll pick you up in twenty, okay?”

“You’re the best.”

“I try. See you then.”

I walked back into my room and packed an overnight bag, grabbing Tom’s old Star Wars shirt at the last second. I still hadn’t returned it to him; I always felt so comforted wearing it. Quickly scribbling down a note explaining where I was going, I hurried downstairs to wait by the door. The sound of Tom’s guitar could be heard as I waited. I recognized the tune as 3 AM by Busted.

I don't give a damn about you
No, nothing can change my mind
No way
I'm happy just to let you walk away
Don't think about you at night
I'm happy to be alone
It's okay
But that was yesterday…

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