Chapter 10

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Three days later I was playing around on Tom’s keyboard, when I got a call from Harry. I smiled as his face appeared on my screen; it was a picture he had sent me during one of our many texting conversations in the past few days.


“Hey, Em!”

“Hello, Mr. Judd,” I responded playfully.

“Has Tom left for his parent’s house yet?”

“Yep, he left like an hour ago.” Tom was spending tonight and most of tomorrow at his parents’ house to celebrate his dad’s birthday with the family.

“Any chance you’d want to come over?”

“Sure! I’ll be over in like 20 minutes.”

“Sounds great. See you then!”

“Bye, Harry.” I hung up the phone.

Both nervous and excited, I ran to my closet and slipped on a navy lace dress and a pair of cream-colored ankle boots. The outfit was nice, but still pretty casual. I stopped in the bathroom to touch up on my hair, before grabbing my purse and leaving for Harry’s house. I pushed down on the doorbell, and Harry appeared in the doorframe moments later. He was wearing a grey v-neck tee with jeans, looking gorgeous as always.

“Hi,” he grinned at me. “Come in!”

“So, this is where Harry Judd spends most of his time, huh?”

“The very place.”

His house had a very open plan, allowing me to see his living room, dining room, and kitchen just from the spot next to his door. I liked it.

“Do you want to watch a movie or something?” Harry wondered.


We ended up curling up on his leather couch with a bowl of popcorn and The Dark Knight for the next few hours.

“Are you going to give me a tour of your house?” I asked after the movie was finished.

“I’d love to!” Harry said, grabbing my hand and leading me to the different rooms in his house. It was a few minutes later when we arrived at the final door. “And this would be my room.”

I sat down on the side of his bed and patted on the comforter beside me until Harry sat down next to me.

“I like your room,” I told him honestly.

“I like you.”

I felt my cheeks turning slightly pink, even though it wasn’t new information. “I like you too.”

 I leaned towards him, placing my lips on his.

“Emma, you look absolutely gorgeous tonight,” he murmured in my ear. Our lips met again in a rush of passion. I pulled up on the bottom of his shirt, and Harry, knowing what I was trying to do, lifted the shirt of his head. He helped me remove my dress as he took off the rest of his own clothes, one thing leading to another…

I woke up next to Harry, our bodies barely covered by the sheets. Last night had been unexpected and a little sudden, but I didn’t regret it at all. It had been amazing. I looked over at Harry, admiring how attractive he looked in his sleep. I leaned over, kissing him on the cheek, as he began to stir.

“G’morning,” he said groggily with a smile.


Harry climbed out of bed, putting on a pair of sweatpants. He handed me one of his shirts to wear, so that I could cover myself.

“Do you want breakfast?”

“Mmm. Yes, please.”

Harry made toast and eggs for us, and we sat down on his couch to watch the news while we ate. There were three quick knocks at the door before it opened, revealing Danny holding a set of keys. His eyes widened as he saw us together on the couch, a moment of uncomfortable silence lasting until Harry spoke a few seconds later.

“Danny…” he said cautiously. Danny’s eyes shifted between the two of us. I was suddenly conscious of what I was wearing- or more importantly, wasn’t wearing.

“I’m going to go change…” I told them, pulling down Harry’s shirt so that everything was covered properly. I went into Harry’s room to slip my dress back on, but it didn’t stop me from hearing everything that was being said in the other room. Danny wasn’t exactly being quiet.

“Harry, what the hell!” I heard Danny hiss. “You know Emma is off limits!”

“Well it’s not as if she was getting together with Tom anytime soon. And haven’t you ever heard of knocking?”

“So that makes it okay to shag her, does it? You only just started talking to her a week ago. And I did knock!”

I cringed. Danny was right; I hadn’t been with Harry for long, if you could even say we were together. I really did like Harry though, even if it had only been a little over a week.

“It’s not like she was a one night stand! I like her, alright?” Harry yelled back at Danny.

Fully dressed, I walked back into the living room.

“I think I’m going to head out…” I said awkwardly. Harry nodded, pulling me in for a kiss. I could feel Danny’s eyes watching us. I avoided him as I made my way to the door.

“I’ll call you later, okay?” Harry said.

“Okay,” I told him. “Bye Harry…Danny.”


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