Chapter 5

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I woke up in my bed at around midnight, according to the clock next to me. I felt like I was a little kid again, magically waking up in my bed after falling asleep in a different part of the house. My dad used to have to carry me to bed all the time. I heard the door creak open and saw a head peek around.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” Harry asked.

“Kinda crappy,” I tried to hold back a sneeze.

“I brought some cold medicine,” he lifted up the bottle as evidence. Harry sat down on the foot of the bed and handed me a small cup of cherry-flavored syrup.

“Thanks. Are you guys still working on songs?”

“Yep. Do you want to join us or go back to bed?”

“I’ll come! It’s not every day you get to watch the infamous McFly write songs.”

I sat down next to Tom when we walked back in. Smiling, he handed me the acoustic guitar on his left. I looked at him questioningly, already forming a chord with my left hand. Tom was the one who got me into guitar as a kid. He was always so passionate about playing.

“C’mon, you can help with this one. You’re almost as good of a musician as me,” he said cheekily with a wink.

It wasn’t until quarter to three that we decided to go to bed.

“I call sleeping with Tom!” Danny exclaimed before blushing. We laughed at how that came out.

“I don’t want to sleep on the couch with Dougie! He farts in his sleep.” Harry complained.


“My bed’s big enough for two.” I told Harry.


Twenty minutes later everyone was situated in bed, and Harry and I were on the topic of my old my town from when I had lived in England previously.

“There was this place that my dad used to take me where you could see all the stars. And it looked down on this amazing valley with a river and all these trees…” I trailed off, remembering the image in my mind.

“And you said it was only forty minutes away?”

“Something like that.”

“Let’s go!”



I grinned at him and, silently, we got up and tiptoed out the front door, grabbing a stack of blankets to take with us. We blasted the radio in the car as I directed him to the place my dad had showed me long ago. Harry reared the car in so that the back was facing the valley. It was even better than I remembered. Spreading out the blankets in the back of his car to lie on, we popped the trunk door open and looked out to the sky.

“Wow.” Harry breathed next to me.

“Mhm.” I sighed and looked over at him with a smile.

Harry and I locked eyes, our bodies suddenly leaning in on their own accord. His lips captured mine, hungry and passionate. I rolled on top of him, lightly pushing my body up against his. We broke apart to catch our breath, his eyes shining in the dim light, before our lips met again.

We woke up to the sun breaking over the horizon, the clouds glowing shades of orange and red. Harry smiled at me, giving me a light kiss. I felt a little guilty, it was only two days since Michael and I broke up. But I liked Harry; he was different than Michael in a lot of ways.

“We should get back before anyone notices we were gone,” he murmured in my ear.

“Yeah, you’re right.”

The car ride back was different than the first ride. Maybe just because we were tired, or possibly because we didn’t have the previous adrenaline running through us from sneaking out. We didn’t need loud music to fill the silence. We stayed quiet, enjoying each other’s presence. Thankfully, everyone was still asleep when we got back. Harry and I were able to slip back into my bed without anyone realizing we had left in the first place. I fell back asleep in his arms.

A/N: Wow, something actually happened in this chapter! I also realized that I’ve only had like one chapter with a cliffhanger, so I guess I better work on that! Hope you enjoy your second chapter of the day :)

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