Chapter 12

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“Emma!” Tom called, grabbing my attention. He held two shirts up to his body. “Which one?”

“You’re such a girl. But I like the striped one,” I said, pointed to the blue and white shirt on his right.

“Hmm…yeah, you’re right.”

I smirked at him and took a sip of the tea that Tom had left on the table.

“Hey, that’s mine!”

“Relax, Fletcher. I just took a sip.”

He scrunched his face up at me. “Fine, but I don’t feel bad about leaving you home alone tonight anymore.”

“Oh, how will I live without you here?” I teased.

“You won’t, obviously.”

I grinned up at him. “Yeah, you’re right.”

Fifteen minutes later, Tom appeared back in my room.

“Alright, I’m heading out. I’m guessing I won’t be back until around 2. Don’t spend the whole night watch Doctor Who.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Yes, mother.”

“Bye, Em!”


I waited ten minutes after Tom had left before texting Harry.

‘The coast is clear x’

Harry came around the house shortly after. I bounced in my shoes as I opened the door. It had been a week since Harry and I had been alone together, and although we saw each other a few times since then, we were always surrounded by other people. He smiled at me, putting his arm around my waist and pulling my body closer to his for a kiss.

“Hi,” I said with a grin.

“Hi back.”

I grabbed onto his hand and led him to the kitchen.


“What?” Harry asked, looking around the room in search of cookies.

“Let’s make some!” My face lit up.

Harry laughed but agreed. We pulled the necessary ingredients out and began mixing them together. When the dough was ready, and Harry’s back was turned, I quickly stuck my finger in the bowl and popped it into my mouth.

“I saw that!” Harry said.

“Saw what?” I asked innocently.

Harry raised an eyebrow at me. “I saw you do this,” he stuck his own finger in the bowl. But instead of eating the dough, he wiped it on my face.


“Yes?” he said with a grin, challenging me.

I laughed. “We are not doing the whole cliché food fight.”

“Aww...” he fake-pouted.

I couldn’t help but smile at how cute he looked. I wiped the dough off my cheek as best as I could.

“You missed some,” Harry murmured, leaning forward to kiss my cheek. “All good.”

We put the cookies in the oven and set the timer.

“What do you want to do while we wait?” I asked.

“I have an idea…”

Harry lifted me up on the counter so that we were the same height. Our lips met as I ran my hand through his brown hair, pulling him closer. His lips trailed down my neck before capturing my lips again.

“Harry-“ I was cut off by his lips on mine.


“Let’s go to my room…” I said with a small moan.

Harry nodded and led the way to my bedroom, laying me down on my bed and propping himself up on top of me. I felt his tongue explore my mouth, and I used my own to trace his lips. Rolling us over so that I was on top, I straddled him with a small giggle. I pushed my hair off to the side and leaned forward to kiss him.

Harry and I quickly broke apart, hearing a cough come from the doorway. I froze.

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