Chapter 13 - Here For You

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"Mom," Jakira ventured, "darksweep and lightsweep aren't the only major powers of the gems . . . are they?"

She was sprawled across the loveseat in her living room, and Synthia was just coming over from the kitchen after putting dinner in the crockpot. "No," came the surprised answer. Her eyes narrowed. "Why? What happened?"

"Weird things." Jakira stared at the floor, frowning. "Last Friday, Night had this crazy energy rush but then fainted. Yesterday I went and fought with him, but everything looked weird . . . and I can only remember bits and pieces. Then afterwards, we both felt really tired, but usually the magic of our gems doesn't allow that."

Her mother sat down on the other couch, a knowing look in her eyes. "I remember that power," she said. "Oscuro and I used it all the time."

"What is it?" Jakira prompted.

"It doesn't actually have a name," Synthia began. "No gem holder has ever felt it deserves one. But it's triggered by strong emotions, usually negative, or it can be summoned. In short, it gathers all your energy and unleashes it in one short blast. It has pros and cons, but neither of you should ever use it for too long."

"Why . . . not?"

"Because the longer you use it, the more strength you lose and the more you forget. Five minutes will leave you out of breath. Ten minutes will probably make you pass out, and fifteen minutes puts you in a coma, but twenty minutes on the dot will kill you. Three gem holders have died from it in the past, and none of them could make it past exactly twenty minutes."

Her eyes widened. "Oh . . ."

"Yeah." Synthia's expression was serious. "Make sure you warn Night about it next time you see him. Two of the three who died were dark gem holders; his ancestors. Recklessness seems to run in the family."

"I will," she promised.


Tuesday had no school because of severe weather, but by Wednesday morning, the storm had died down. As she walked on the wet pavement outside the school, Jakira spotted Alex making his way up the steps. Instantly smiling, she hurried to catch up with him. When she reached his side, she greeted him with, "Hey, Alex!"

He spun around with a gasp, his eyes wide and shoulders tensed, then sighed and relaxed slightly. "Hi, Jak," he murmured quietly, and continued walking.

"Did I scare you?" she asked with surprise. "Sorry."

"You're fine." She could barely hear his mumbled reply, and realized with confusion that he was walking stiffly and hugging himself tightly, his round eyes fixed unwaveringly on the floor.

"Are you okay?" she asked, torn between curiosity and concern. "You seem kinda . . . nervous."

He shrugged. "I am nervous," he mumbled, the trembling and tone of his voice supporting his words.

"About what . . . ?" Jakira questioned curiously.

Alex didn't answer at first, but when she repeated her inquire, he half-whispered, half-said, "That's the thing. I-I have no idea."

She felt confused. "What do you mean?"

But once again, he remained silent, and she realized that the mingled confusion and fear in his haunted eyes was an answer in itself.

"I don't know," he replied at last. "I've . . . I've checked though all my schedules, and I can't find anything I should be worried about, but I can't shake off this feeling . . . like something bad's gonna happen any second."

This was new. As a gem holder she was used to things out of the ordinary, but this didn't seem to be connected with Preciser. "Have you taken any sedatives?" she suggested, touching his shoulder comfortingly.

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