Chapter Three: Temptations

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My hand is better! Okay, still bruised, but I can type and that's all I care about! I hope you all enjoy this chapter!!


"V...V...V...TAEHYUNG!" Taehyung opens his eyes, surprised to find himself floating amongst the clouds. Sitting next to him is Suga, "Good, you can hear me..."


"It's just a dream, V. Don't worry," Suga quickly interrupts, "Did you find your artist?" Taehyung smiles and nods quickly.

"I think so! He's been letting me stay with him. After you told me to run, I ended up in a park, and then there he was and—"

"Wait, wait, wait. Why'd you go there?! The park is dangerous at night!" Suga cries, and Taehyung flinches, his fingers nervously clinging to the hem of his shirt.

"I'm sorry, Suga-hyung...I was scared, and not paying attention...wait. That beast! Are you okay? It didn't hurt you, did it?!" Taehyung cries, yet Suga looks fine. In his dreams, he always looks just fine. Suga gives Taehyung a soft smile.

"Don't worry. It takes a lot to kill me...a lot..." he mumbles and Taehyung frowns. He has a feeling that Suga is hiding something from him, but he doesn't want to pry.

"Suga-hyung...while I'm here...can we be friends? I don't really have fairy friends, and I'm going to need advice. Usually, I conjure what I need, but I can't really do that around my artist. I can't explain how my clothes can change to whatever I want especially since I have no bag and no money," Taehyung rambles.

"First, of course we can be friends, Tae. I wouldn't have hopped in your dreams if I disliked you," Suga says and Taehyung grins, "Second, I want you to meet me at Tried & True Café tomorrow. Have your artist show you where it is, and third...I want to see your wings," Suga demands, and Taehyung cocks his head.

"My wings...? Why?" he asks, but Suga shakes his head, not answering just yet. So Taehyung produces his wings, the pearl white wings fluttering like that of a butterfly. Suga gapes at them. The material looks soft like flower petals, yet there is an intricate swirl design of fairy dust that causes them to shimmer.

"Are they always white?" he questions and Taehyung nods, "Moonchild..." the word is whispered, slipping away on the wind.

"What?" Taehyung asks, but suddenly his head starts pounding. He holds onto his head, whimpering in pain, "Suga-hyung..."

"Don't're just waking up," Suga murmurs, resting two fingers on Tae's forehead, making him quickly fall asleep. Suga sighs, watching Taehyung disappear, knowing he's going to have to have a long talk with the king...


Sun creeps through golden curtains, casting rays across the bed. One beam of light catches Taehyung in the face, and he groans. Stretching wildly in bed, he turns on his side, wrapping his wings around him as he tries to fall back asleep. Wings...wait...his wings are out! He remembers where he is, and instantly sits up with his large wings fluttering around him. He tucks them away before yanking his shirt off, exposing two long slits down the back.

"Oh," he whispers, not sure if mortal materials act the same as fairy materials. He takes a deep breath, staring at the frayed and torn threads, "You want to mend; to heal your tears, and fix the binds..." The material in his hand twitches and quickly stitches itself together, no evidence of the tears or repair. Taehyung smiles brightly and giggles, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome!" he hears the cotton sing just like it would in the Fae. Taehyung slips the shirt on right as a knock sounds on the door.

" awake...?" Jungkook murmurs as he pushes the door open. He spots Taehyung sitting up in bed, stretching his long pale limbs, "Hey there..." Taehyung smiles brightly, running his hand through his messy hair.

"Good morning. How'd you sleep?" Taehyung asks, his eyes wandering over Jungkook's muscular body dressed in a long sleeve white shirt, sleeves rolled up his forearms, and legs clad in black ripped jeans. Taehyung tries—and fails—not to stare at him. Jungkook's mouth curls into a smirk as he notices the boy's interest in his body.

"I slept well, you?" he asks, and Tae just nods, "Did you want to shower this morning?"

"Oh, yes, that would be nice. Thank you!" Taehyung chimes, hopping out of bed, giving Jungkook an opportunity to stare at his legs. His impossibly lean, impossibly perfect legs. Taehyung stretches again, and his shirt rides up, flashing his soft lean torso. Everything about this creature inspires Jungkook, and torments him all at the same time.

"Wow..." he whispers, and Taehyung turns to face him, noticing his intense stare before blushing brightly.

"Um...Jungkook?" he questions, tugging on his shirt hem sheepishly, "Why...why are you staring?"

"You're just gorgeous," Jungkook honestly admits, fighting the urge to step closer to the boy, "I can't wait until I paint you..." he adds, and the blush on Taehyung's cheeks brighten.

"Well, thank you..." he quietly mumbles, embarrassed by the compliment, "Can...can you show me where the bathroom is?" he asks after several silent seconds. Jungkook nods, trying to clear the lust from his mind.

"Of course. Yes of course," he murmurs, leading Taehyung out of the room and down two doors," Bathroom is here, and there should be a clean towel. I'll be downstairs making us some breakfast,"

"Great, thank you so much!" Taehyung says, and Jungkook smiles.

"You know you don't have to thank me all the time..." he softly says, and Taehyung's full lips slip into a frown.

"I know, but I'm not really used to kindness...I've very few friends..." Taehyung murmurs, and Jungkook scowls.

"Really? I find that very hard to believe," he says, earning him the cutest sheepish giggle from Taehyung.

"I appreciate that! You know, you're a lot nicer than I thought you'd be," Taehyung chimes, "Then again, I met you when you were being chased,"

Jungkook chuckles, running his hand through his hair, "Yeah, not much time for pleasantries when that happens..." Taehyung giggles again, and Jungkook can't help but stare over his cute body again. He's so glad he had those tiny shorts so he can see Tae's legs, and that the shirt he gave him doesn't quite fit so it drapes down his shoulder, exposing collar bone. This close, everything about Taehyung is perfect and he wonders if the rest of his body is as soft as his lips. Taehyung can see the wicked gleam in Jungkook's eyes, making him feel like he's about to get swallowed up in his desire. Nervously, his tongue flicks between his lips, unintentionally drawing Jungkook's gaze to them. The air around the two electrifies and Taehyung has the urge to kiss him. He's never been kissed, he doesn't know what it'll feel like or why he craves it, but he's tempted. So tempted, he can feel his wings unfurl with excitement. Taehyung gasps, blushes brightly, and shuts himself into the bathroom before anything can happen.

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