Chapter Seven: Secrets

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"Please, please, please, please, please..." Taehyung sits on his bed shirtless, begging his wings to go back into hiding. He can't have them out. Not yet. Not now... "It's still too soon!" he whispers, trying so hard to control his frustrated tears. He doesn't want to cry, but whenever he's around Jungkook, he can't control himself. With a sigh, Taehyung pulls out one of his earrings, the jewelry morphing back into a rose thorn. He sighs, hating what has to happen next. Checking that his door is locked, he slides the thorn across his wrist, drawing blood with a whimper. Within seconds, Jin appears before him, his blond hair frazzled and eyes pooling with concern.

"V, why didn't you check in sooner?! It's been almost two months here, and I was so worried!!" Jin cries before looking over the fairy, "Why are you crying? What happened? Speak, V!"

"I-I met Suga-hyung on the first night, then found my artist. But Your Majesty...I can't control my wings, and I'm learning I have strange abilities. It's only been a week, and I still feel like it's too soon for the artist to know what I am...right?" Taehyung babbles, tears running down his cheeks as Jin sighs.

"I was worried that might happen. V, you are a sensitive Fae, and the artist is kind of like an aphrodisiac for you. It is still too soon me. You'll know when the time is right," Jin exclaims, and Taehyung's cheeks turn a fiery red.

"What do I do...?" he whimpers before Jin waves his hand. Around Tae's middle finger appears a silver ring with an iridescent stone in the center. It calms him immediately, and he can feel his wings slip back into hiding.

"Moonstone," Jin explains, "It works wonders to calm beings like you..."

"Like me?"

"I—that's a long story, V, and right now you need to go. The others need to meet you..." Jin says before disappearing. Taehyung turns the thorn back into an earring, throwing his hoodie on right after. The slash on his wrist fades to a light scar, and Tae knows it will disappear by tomorrow. He wipes his face, hoping his tears aren't obvious then runs downstairs. The first person he sees is Jungkook, and a bright smile crosses his lips. Jungkook's eyes light up when he sees Taehyung finally enter the living room, his long fingers sheepishly clinging to his hoodie sleeves.

"Hey, Tae, come meet the guys," Jungkook murmurs and two strangers look up at him.

"Took you long enough," Suga mumbles, grumpily leaning against one of the guys while Tae scurries to Jungkook's side.

"Sorry, I couldn't find something in my bag," Taehyung lies as he perches on the arm of the couch next to Jungkook, and Jungkook wraps an arm around his waist. Warily, his eyes look over the newcomers instantly realizing they are supernatural as well. The one Suga is leaning on is definitely a Fae, his smile blindingly bright as he waves at Taehyung. The fairy has bright red hair, enchanting green eyes and a lean, muscular, body that shows strength beneath a blue flannel shirt and jeans.

"Hi! I'm Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi or J-Hope! Suga told me a lot about you," Hoseok says with a wink, and Taehyung bashfully grins.

"N-nice to meet you, Hobi," he murmurs, wondering what kind of Fae he is. Not many J-categorized fairies stay in the Fae Realm. That kind travel realms or mingle with humans. Taehyung makes a mental note to ask Suga later. He glances past Jungkook to his other friend whose messy black hair gives him a dangerously edgy look though two dimples appear when he smiles.

"I'm Namjoon. When did you two meet?" he asks Jungkook, noticing how close the boys have become.

"About a week ago. Jungkook helped me out when I got lost," Tae murmurs, and the other guys mercilessly tease Jungkook for being uncharacteristically nice. Taehyung twirls his ring as he laughs and talks with the others, though he notices Namjoon's eyes on him. Something isn't right about him. His energy feels like a fairy, but it is darker. More consuming. Then, Tae remembers Daemons. This guy sitting on the other side of Jungkook is a Daemon.

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