Chapter Twenty-Three: Broken

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*I'm back! I'm guessing I'm going to have one or two more chapters of this story. I'm not sure exactly how it is going to be broken down once I get to the editing part. Okay now onto the story!!*


Hours pass before Jin is compelled to check on Taehyung. He knows the fairy needs time and space, but the heart-wrenching sobs from his room has Jin's caring heart breaking. Hesitantly, he knocks on the door and all sound in the room stops.

"Who...who's there?" Taehyung sniffs and Jin sighs. He knows the fairy is trying to be strong. He doesn't want to show how much pain he is in, yet if he doesn't let it out now, that pain and sorrow will swallow him whole. With that thought, Jin pushes the large oak door open, peeking inside the room with a sympathetic smile on his lips.

"Just me, love," Jin murmurs; Taehyung instantly sits up in bed and wipes off the tears from his swollen face.

"Did I disturb you? I'm so sorry—"

"No, don't apologize, Taehyung. You didn't disturb me. I just owe you some answers. That is why I'm here," Jin exclaims, crossing the room and perching on the edge of the bed.

"What about...what about Namjoon? I don't want to take you away from him for too long," Taehyung whispers, his own heart aching with envy for he can't be with his lover right now. Jungkook hates him.

"He's resting. Besides, you are more important right now," Jin says and Taehyung scoffs.

"I'm not important...I'm nothing..." he states, his deep voice barely audible even in the silent room.

"If that were true, the Fates wouldn't have told me to send you to the mortal world. I would not have rested the future of the Fae on YOUR shoulders if I thought you were nothing. Taehyung, you are an incredibly special creature...when are you going to realize that?" Jin retorts, his voice laced with sympathy as new tears start to form in Tae's violet eyes.

"I'm just a V—"

"That's not true," Jin interjects, grasping Taehyung's hand, "I was told to keep the truth of your birth a secret, and at the time that was fine. But now it is time you know the truth," Taehyung's eyes widen as his heart starts racing.

" know why I'm like this?" Tae hesitantly asks and Jin nods.

"At the time of your birth, I was called to the fields by my own magic. Like every other Nature Fairy, you were destined to bloom inside a tulip, but there was something different that day. You didn't bloom until night, and a drop of moonlight landed on your flower,"

"So that explains all the weird moon-like magic that happened in the Eternal Realm of Sleep..." Taehyung mumbles and Jin smiles.

"It also explains your purification capabilities. You see...there is a dark side to every moon. A yin and yang, if you will. I think because your heart is so kind and caring, you were able to purify people by taking in their darkness. That's why you were able to save Jungkook but not yourself from Chaos..."

"Jungkook..." Taehyung painfully whimpers, his body curling in on itself as his heart aches in his chest. Jin winces, stroking his hand gingerly down Taehyung's back, avoiding the gaps where his wings used to be.

"I understand your pain...we fairies love differently than other creatures," Jin sighs, and Taehyung looks up at him with wide, curious, eyes, "You slept with Jungkook, did you not?" he asks as Taehyung's cheeks turn a bright fiery red.

"A...a couple times..." Taehyung meekly responds and Jin giggles.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of! Especially since you do love the boy. Fairies, however, share their hearts when they sleep with someone they love. That is why you are in so much pain right now...that was why losing Namjoon to Chaos took a physical toll on me. We shared our hearts and souls as lovers, and you have done the same with Jungkook. It is like a mate mark for werewolves and vampires..." Jin vaguely explains, and yet Taehyung understands. His whole body his hurting because he shared a piece of his soul with Jungkook, and when he left him...he broke that part of him.

"I wish I never slept with him..." Taehyung whispers as his tears creep down his cheeks. Jin frowns and nudges his shoulder softly.

"Don't wish that. I'm sure he'll come back for you,"

"You didn't see the look of betrayal in his eyes...he's not coming back...I should just go back to my marsh...I don't want to bother you much longer, King Jin..."

"Taehyung, you do realize you are the only reason I'm still a king, right? You saved us. You saved Namjoon! I owe you my life! So please don't' think you are a bother to me, okay?" Jin cries and Taehyung smiles weakly.

"Thank you...all I ask is for a new home..." Taehyung says and Jin frowns.

"What's wrong with your old one...?"

"I can't...I can't shift forms to get into it anymore..." Taehyung whispers before Jin's eyes widen. He forgot about Taehyung's wings. Without that, Fae can't shrink or shift into different forms, and Taehyung used to live in the base of a tree stump tucked away in a marsh. He won't fit in this form.

"Of course. I will build you a new one in the lavender fields. I know how much you liked those," Jin chimes, stroking Taehyung's obsidian hair as the boy begins to break. He curls up with his head on Jin's lap, crying from pain. The pain from heartbreak, from his wings, from all the regret and sorrow and rage that slips through his veins. He will heal. He knows that...but how long will it take to mend his broken soul?


Many moons have passed since then. Jin made good on his promise and Taehyung now has a small cottage on the edge of a lavender field. The summer sun has turned his hair to a platinum blond while he spends most of his time picking flowers in his fields and regenerating his magic. He hasn't had many visitors—just Jin and Namjoon—yet that is fine. It has taken some time for his boxy smile to appear again.

It is late one summer evening and Taehyung is doing his evening ritual. He changes into a loose pinstripe kimono, kneels on the end of the bed facing a mirror, and unfurls his wings. Or tries to. Previously, all that ever came out were about ten-inch-long stubs with black arms branching out. It is a painful process, yet he has to do it. If he doesn't try and just lets them be, he fears his wings will never grow back.

"Okay...I can do this..." he says out loud, staring at his reflection with a sad smile on his lips. His eyes are blue like a summer sky, his skin tan, and hair blond, yet he can still feel the tendrils of darkness creeping around his chest. It is in these moments, before he unfurls his wings, that he thinks about Jungkook. How is he holding up? Does he miss him? Has he moved on...? Will he ever come back to see him...? 

Taehyung shakes those thoughts away like he does every night and huffs, "Focus, Tae, focus, focus, focus..." he closes his bright eyes and turns his thoughts to his back. To those small bony nubs sticking out of his back. He feels his magic heat the area around them, trying to heal them, to force them to grow. A painful gasp leaves his lips as those stubs start to grow, breaking the skin around them and stretching out of his back. Taehyung watches his reflection in shock and horror as inky black bone creeps outwards, reaching to the sides where his wings once were. There are spots where feathers ought to grow, yet for now it is just bone. Bone and sinew of obsidian black. A painful reminder of his own darkness. A sob rips from his throat and he collapses forward on the bed, the bony structure of his wings too painful to sink back into his body. He has to let them stay, he has to let them breathe, yet every time he looks at his twisted and tortured back, his heart breaks anew. He misses his white wings, his pure heart and innocent soul. He misses Jungkook and the childish way they loved before. He remembers the nights with his hands on his body and paint coating his skin. Why can't they go back to that? Why can't he see Jungkook just one more time? He curls up on his side, his bony wings sticking out behind him on the bed as he cries himself to sleep, his thoughts consumed by a mortal boy with dark black locks and caring eyes.


*And that's all for now! The next few chapters will be out as soon as I get them written up and edited! Thank you all for reading, and for the lovely comments!*

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