Chapter Four: Power in a Kiss

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After a very hot, very soothing, shower, Taehyung steps out, staring at himself in the mirror. He's never had a mirror before, just rivers to gauge his reflection. In the glass, he feels abnormal, like the man looking back at him doesn't belong in this world. True, being a fairy makes Taehyung look different from mortals, but even among his own kind, he was just...different. With a sigh, he turns to get dressed only to realize his clothes aren't there. He left them in his bedroom. Silently, he scurries back to his room, running to the desk where his clothes ought to be. In their place sits a handful of dried leaves and shriveled rose petals.

"Toadstools!" he cries, realizing his spell wore off as soon as he stripped last night. The petals and leaves no longer have life, so he can't manipulate or conjure new clothes. Luckily, the acorn caps he used for his shoes stayed in that form, so at least he has that. Taehyung decides to just redress in Jungkook's clothes so he can go downstairs and borrow something else. Without another thought, he hurries downstairs, an enticing sweet scent leading him to what he can assume is the kitchen. He walks in, staring at Jungkook's muscular back as he faces the stove, a spatula in one hand as he hums to himself.

"Um...Jungkook...?" Taehyung murmurs, trying not to startle him. Jungkook spins around, grinning at Taehyung.

"Hey! How was the shower?" he asks before noticing Taehyung's clothes, "Why are you still in pajamas?" he sets a plate of pancakes in front of Taehyung before the fairy sits on a bar stool and sighs.

"My clothes were really dirty after last night," Taehyung lies, "I was hoping to borrow something to wear? I promise this won't be a permanent thing. I'm just supposed to meet my friend who has my bag and—"

"Tae, Tae, breathe. It's okay," Jungkook chuckles, "I'll lend you my clothes, I just don't know how well they'll fit,"

"That's okay! They don't need to fit that well," Taehyung murmurs as he looks at the food in front of him, "Wait, that's not all for me, is it?"

Jungkook smiles and nods, "My plate's there," he says, pointing to the counter, "Let's eat, and then I'll get you some clothes," he mumbles, handing Taehyung a knife and fork before leading him to the dining room. The fairy is grateful the utensils aren't iron, and they sing like they are pure silver. The artist pours syrup on his pancakes, and Taehyung does the same, secretly watching Jungkook cut a piece and eat it so Taehyung can do the same. He's never used human utensils, but luckily he manages to cut a small piece flawlessly. Taehyung's eyes widen as he pops it into his mouth, the sweet substance surprising him in the best way. Jungkook notices his reaction and grins.


"So good!" Taehyung cheers, causing Jungkook's smile to widen. Tae can't help but adore that sweet, innocent, smile.

"I'm glad you like them," he murmurs, "I know they're just simple pancakes, but still..." Tae can't tell him he's never had pancakes before, especially if they're common and simple, so he just smiles and takes another bite. The syrup is sweeter than any nectar he's had, and the pancakes softer than the fungi and leaves he's used to consuming.

"Thank you for making them. They're better than any other pancakes I have had," Taehyung chimes, happy to make Jungkook happy. He finishes off most of his plate before Suga's words pop into his mind, "Jungkook...?"

"Yeah?" Jungkook glances at him curiously and for some reason Taehyung becomes suddenly nervous under his chocolate brown eyes.

"'m supposed to meet my friend at Tried and you know where that is?" Taehyung asks and he nods.

"Yeah, it's easy to get to. Why don't you finish eating while I find you some clothes, and then we can drive over?" Jungkook murmurs, and Taehyung brightly grins.

Chaos in My Soul: A Taekook StoryWhere stories live. Discover now