Chapter Eighteen: Chaos

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For the first time in his life, Jungkook feels true fear. Hope leaves his veins, determination seeps from his limbs, and sorrow fills his chest. This is the Realm of Eternal Sleep. It is a realm no mortal should enter. A realm that torments its victims with hopelessness and despair. Jungkook chokes on it, yet he keeps moving towards Taehyung. He takes every risk being here just to make sure his love is alive. And free. He will free him.

"Taehyung!" he screams through the murky darkness, his lungs filling with black liquid, so dark it resembles ink.

Taehyung thinks he hears his name. He's so focused on cleansing Jimin of his demon, that he isn't quite sure what is real and what is fake. Yet when he looks up, he is damn sure he sees Jungkook in the distance, Eternal sleep pulling at him as if he is a paper doll and not human flesh.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung screams before he sees Suga and Hoseok appear right behind the mortal boy. Taehyung releases Jimin, looking down with a soft smile when he sees he is no longer Dark. He is no longer a Daemon. His wings start sprouting out of his back, soft wings of pastel pink. Suga runs to where Taehyung stands, switching him places as he cocoons Jimin in his strong pale arms.

"I've got you, love...I've got you," Suga whispers in Jimin's ear, all his fear and loneliness draining upon seeing those light pink wings. Taehyung runs over to Jungkook, his wings glowing in the soft darkness while Hoseok draws a silver sword from thin air. He doesn't trust the darkness; doesn't trust what creeps and crawls through the air like smoke. Taehyung gets to Jungkook's side, ignoring the muck clinging to his skin and covering him in black tar.

"What are you doing here?! You can die!" Taehyung cries, even as Jungkook wraps his arms around Taehyung and Taehyung wraps his wings around Jungkook. His hands cling to the mortal boy, fear pounding in his chest as he looks over his flaking skin. He looks as if he is ash; so thin and fragile that he might blow away in a moment's time.

"I had to save you. I had to make sure you were still alive. Your body back in the mortal realm was suffering...I was so afraid," Jungkook says, his voice stronger and louder than Taehyung would have expected. Though his mortal form suffers, his soul does not. Instead, his eyes blaze brightly, his grip on Taehyung's small waist growing stronger as he leans into Taehyung and kisses him instantly. Taehyung doesn't even think twice. He wraps his arms around Jungkook's neck, ignoring the pain and suffering and fear that once consumed him. Now, Jungkook is helping him cleanse, helping him with the pain by kissing him deeper and harder than ever imagined. They kiss with an intense desperation to feel each other once again; to feel what is real and powerful and strong. Their love. As cheesy as that sounds, Taehyung can feel his love for Jungkook blossoming in his chest, lightening the darkness that filled his pores and veins and lungs. Jungkook takes control of the kiss, slipping his tongue into Taehyung's mouth and twirling it against his as if this kiss is their last. Neither boy notices that the light grows brighter, and Jungkook's form grows more solid while encased in Taehyung's pearly wings. The darkness near them fades; a soft glowing ray of moonlight blossoms around them, only magnifying the blinding light from Taehyung's wings. When they finally separate for a breath, they look up and notice the change.

"Woah..." Taehyung breathes before Hoseok, Jimin, and Suga walk over. Jimin limps slightly, his body still weak and frail from the darkness that consumed it.

"What is this Disney movie shit? True love isn't supposed to be this damn powerful," Hoseok teases and Jungkook laughs while Taehyung turns a rosy pink.

"I think it has to do more with Taehyung's power being so strong. Not true love," Jungkook chimes, taking in a deep breath with joy. He isn't in pain, he isn't fading away...he's still alive. And so is Taehyung. Suga smiles lightly as Jimin steps forward, sapphire blue eyes sparkling in the dark realm.

"Taehyung...I am—"

"Don't apologize to me. I was happy to help. But you need to apologize to Suga. You caused him a lot of pain," Taehyung interjects, looking at the conflicted expression on Suga's face. He knows he loves the pink fairy and would do anything to make him happy...but Jimin hurt him. For months he ripped him apart and abused his body and soul to try and turn him dark.

"Why would you do that to him?" Hoseok questions, a deeply serious expression on his sharp face. Jimin looks down at the ground, fear and hesitation coursing through him briefly.

"Chaos told me to..." Jimin whispers, and Suga goes rigid.


"You know him?" Jungkook asks and suddenly a laugh consumes the dark realm, rattling the ground as it echoes in the bleak space.

"You all do, I'm afraid," a deep voice says before Namjoon steps into the light. Only he looks different. Charcoal fills his eyes, his fingers are burned and blackened, and a dark black cloak wraps around his lean, tall, figure. In here, he seems gigantic, his body duplicating and stretching to fill in every shadow and every inky corner.

"I knew it," Taehyung hisses, clinging to Jungkook's arm as his wings widen beside him, "I knew you were pure evil!"

" could you?" Hoseok asks, shock and disbelief coursing through his veins. He knew he wasn't always an upstanding citizen, and would often get Jungkook into trouble when they were younger, but for him to be Chaos? The root of all evil consuming the realms?! There was just no way. He couldn't understand how he could do something so cruel.

"Ah, yes. The gullible Hobi who is too worried about saving mortals to notice the darkness in his friends," Namjoon growls, obsidian eyes flashing before a dark orb wraps around the Protector Fae like a crystal cage. It squeezes and tightens down on him even as Hoseok starts slashing away at it, his curses and screams mute to those around them.

"Hoseok!" Jimin screams, yet Namjoon does the same to Suga, and instantly Jimin feels conflicted. He glares at Namjoon, piercing blue eyes filled with inky tears, "Why would you do this?!" he shouts, and Namjoon scoffs at him.

"You know, you're more obnoxious when pure. The Daemon you understood why I do this. Why I have to corrupt the Fae around me no matter what," Namjoon finishes, waving a hand and wrapping Jimin in inky black binds that look like octopus tentacles. Jimin struggles, his newly sprouted wings flapping haphazardly behind him. Namjoon then turns to Taehyung, and Jungkook.

"Leave him alone, Namjoon," Jungkook growls, stepping between his friend and his lover. He can't let Namjoon hurt Taehyung and something within him says that that is exactly what Namjoon wants to do. Namjoon smiles sadly, his shoulders falling as he stares at Jungkook.

"Poor little naïve mortal...I can't leave him alone," Namjoon hisses, his eyes firing to life as he throws Jungkook away from the unique fairy, "He is the key to get everything I want. He will be the key to this world's destruction," Namjoon grabs Taehyung's arm, both of them wincing in pain as light and evil fight each other.

"Jungkook..." Taehyung whimpers, looking in fear as Jungkook slowly gets to his feet, holding the arm that he landed on delicately, "Promise me you will get the others out of here. I know you know how," Taehyung adds as a delirious plan consumes his mind. Jungkook frowns and starts walking towards the feuding Fae. Namjoon frowns, not knowing what this Fae is planning.

"What about you, Taehyung?" Jungkook asks, "I can't leave you behind," Tears touch Taehyung's cheeks in black streaks as he fights the pain in his arm and the decision in his heart. He knows this is the only way. He knows he has to stop this once and for all...but is he strong enough?

"I love you, okay? Remember that I love you. You won't be leaving me behind...because I'm not going to be here much longer," he says. In the next second, Jungkook's world falls apart. Taehyung yanks Namjoon forward, his lips landing on Namjoon's forehead. A flash of white light bursts from his small frame, and in that second, they are gone. Chaos and Taehyung have disappeared.


Hey everyone! I'll be writing the next couple chapters soon, however I am playing with two paths on how the next chapters will go so it may take some time. I hope you enjoy the story all the same!


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