Chapter Seventeen: Realm Walkers

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"What should we do?!" Suga shouts, running his hands through his hair as he, Jungkook, and Hoseok slightly panic. Taehyung started screaming minutes ago, black liquid pouring out of his eyes and mouth as his pale body spasms on the bed. The black goo wraps around his wings, his hair, and his skin before pooling into that damn mark on his calf. Jungkook tries to touch the fairy, yet it burns him. Taehyung's skin feels like an inferno, the heat emanating from him scalds the three onlookers. Without a second thought, Hoseok slices his wrist, summoning the king and hopefully getting them answers. As soon as Jin forms, Jungkook can see that he already knows what happened. There is a look of panic in his eyes, his hands clenched into tight fists as he lurches forward, trying to reach the trapped fairy from different realms.

"This is all my fault..." he whispers as guilt eats away from him. If he hadn't sent Taehyung to the mortal realm, he never would have become a target of Daemons like Jimin or Chaos.

"King Jin, I know I'm just a mortal, but you need to focus. Don't go blaming yourself now," Jungkook exclaims, and Jin sighs shakily nodding his head to stop his thoughts from spiraling out of control.

"Right, you're right...Taehyung is trapped in another realm, yes?"

"The Realm of Eternal Sleep," Suga explains, his fists clenched as he tries not to worry.

"Jimin took him there. He can enter the realm at will. Even if he is a Daemon..." Jin growls, rubbing his arms as tremors go up and down his limbs. He can feel them start to go numb while his fingers tingle and his head becomes dizzy. He's losing power. And fast. Chaos will soon take over if they don't free V, "I think Taehyung tried to purify Jimin..."

"He did what?!" Suga screams and Jungkook looks at the seizing boy on the bed.

"Why would he do something like that? Doesn't he know how dangerous it is...?" he whispers, fighting the urge to reach out and grab his hand. He wants to hold him. To help him, yet this battle is elsewhere. His heart aches as Taehyung's limbs convulse on the bed, tossing sheets and damaging himself as ankles clash with calves and elbows with his ribs. There is no way to tie him down without burning themselves, so everyone just has to watch on in horror.

"Taehyung knew how dangerous it would be, but but he has a soft heart. He doesn't care that he may be putting himself at danger if it means he can help someone else...he's always been that way," Jin exclaims quietly as he sinks to his knees, resting his head in his hands.

"How do we get into the Realm of Eternal Sleep? Jimin can't be the only one to get in," Jungkook demands, his heart and mind become numb as he realizes how much 

"I normally can, but I'm limited to travelling only at night..." Suga mumbles, his own eyes staring painfully at Taehyung. He's stopped screaming, yet black still foams out of his mouth, his body twisting in agony on the bed.

"There has to be another way in," Jungkook demands, his heart wrenching in his chest as Taehyung suffers.

"Only realm walkers can get in..." Jin murmurs, his voice fading into a sigh, "Realm Walkers haven't existed for centuries though...not since the Supernatural Councils restricted travel between the worlds...when Chaos first was born,"

Jungkook looks at the wall, his eyes falling onto a painting he did of an autumnal forest. The term Realm Walker really strikes him, his heart pounding loudly and mind whirling as those two words beat over and over again within him. He feels as if something has opened up, as if some door has been unlocked just by hearing such a thing. A fleeting image crosses his mind and he runs for his desk, grabbing the nearest paper and pencil. He traces the mark on Taehyung's leg, the one that trapped him into Eternal Sleep. He stares at it, the image passing across his vision once again before he traces another symbol. One older, and far more archaic than the mark made in paint on Taehyung's skin. It holds more power as well, even when drawn in the faint graphite lines. The three fairies just watch him, not sure if they would help or inhibit if they spoke up now. Hoseok knows what is going on, so he says nothing. Jungkook needs to figure out his past somehow.

"Our door..." Jungkook whispers once the symbol is complete. He spins back to the Fae, his brown eyes wide with excitement and determination, "This is our door! I don't know how I know, but if I trace this symbol on that wall or like a canvas or a mirror or something, it will take us to Taehyung. I know it will. But I need something better than paint..."

"Blood is how the Realm Walkers of old opened their portals..." Jin explains tiredly and without thinking, Jungkook cuts his wrist. He winces as the liquid pools on his skin and he dips two fingers in it, walking over to the mirror and painting the symbol. It comes blazing to life, blinding white light transforming glass and blood to another world of pitch-black darkness on the other side. In the murky mirror, they can see Taehyung, wings wrapped around him and glowing faintly.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook shouts, jumping into the mirror without hesitations.

"Jungkook!" the three Fae scream.

"Quick! Go after him! You have to protect that mortal no matter what! The Realm of Eternal Sleep is no place for a Realm Walker. It is the heart of it all! Go, go, go!" Jin shouts, and instantly Hoseok and Suga jump into the mirror. Jin sighs as his image starts to fade away, his words filling the almost empty bedroom, "I will see you soon...Namjoon..."

Chaos stands in the room, a smirk on his face as he watches Jin fade away, relishing in the pain and suffering he saw on his ex-lover's face. He looks at the open portal ebbing and flowing on the glass, and his smile grows ever wider.

"I will see you very soon, Jin," he says, walking into the portal to the Realm of Eternal Sleep.


I feel like this chapter was kinda chaotic. I hope it makes sense...I'm editing while sick so I have no clue how good or shitty this chapter is...ah well. Next one will be up soon!!

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