Chapter 23 - Their Paradise

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She covered her ears cuddling more into the source of warmth.

He clicked his tongue listening to the the disturbing noise and pulled closer the source of softness against his skin.

"Anika-Shivaay wake up. We have lots of shopping to do. "

"Hhhaa.." She let out a soft yawn as she cuddled in closer. And just there, against his chest, nestled in the crook of his arm she slept again.

"Shivaay! Anika!" Pinky knocked again.

"Mom! " he shouted closing his ears in sleep.

"Offo you two! Wake up it's already past nine !" 

Almost instantaneously Anika sat up half way suddenly awake. What nine? Pinky was knocking. She looked back at what was pulling her closer. Her husband. She looked at the door, hearing a knock. 

"Mumma give me few minutes I will be down!" Anika said quickly embarrassed that her mother in-law had to come to wake her up. That also when her parents were staying over. Oh they would consider her so irresponsible. She had to go shopping with her, assist her in packing, check the work for Mehra's event . Oh God, so much to do and she was still sleeping! Once she heard Pinky's "okay " followed by her retreating steps she sighed looking back at her husband. He was sleeping like a log. His well toned chest, his disheveled hair made him look so delicate and tempting. Her gaze stilled on his skin when she the night's memory dawned. She blushed looking at him, then her eyes grew wide. She looked down. Fish! She wasn't wearing anything. She quickly grabbed the duvet around her. With her free hand she tried getting free off his strong grip around her waist. "Shivaay!" She said softly poking his arm. 

"Hmm" he stirred in sleep holding on tightly. 

"Shivaay wake up." She said trying to push his arms. Thankful that his hand was above the duvet and not below on her unclad skin. 

"Five minutes!" He said pressing his face against the pillow. She smiled, he was so cute.

"No five minutes. It's -" she looked up at the clock. "It's fifteen past nine. Wake up. "

"God. No one let's me sleep!" He said irked. Opening his eyes he saw his wife sitting beside him. His sleep was gone when he saw her bare back. He thought she looked cute trying to keep the duvet up to cover her bosom. He gently ran his finger on her bare back. Anika had been sitting awkwardly wondering how to get up without him seeing her. They had practically slept naked. She was trying to find her forgotten clothes, when she felt a butterfly touch on her bare back. She turned back quickly to find him staring at her lazily. 

"We can sleep some more." He said looking at her intently. 

"Sleepy head!" She remarked pushing his hand away.

"You want us to do something else?" He asked playfully.

She blushed her eyes widening. "Pervert!" She chuckled.

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