Chapter 36 - Spoilt Plans

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The next day went busy as Shivaay and Anika left for their respective offices while Nihaal and Priyanka were out to visit Nihaal's distant aunt. Anika found herself enjoying her work. She felt so happy. Things were so good back home. She was surprised when Vishal had said that she looked prettier when she was happy. Anika at first was little uncomfortable, and then shrugged it of when she received Shivaay's text. She sat back, blushing and typing a reply. 

Shivaay : Miss me already?

Anika : You texted first so, I guess it's you missing me.

Shivaay : Had lunch?

Anika : I did. Now, Don't change the topic.

Shivaay : Come home early today? ;)

Anika : Why? ;)

Shivaay : You don't know? ;)

Anika : I have to visit Viren uncle's place. Priyanka and Nihaal are joining me. It's been a while they haven't met uncle.

Shivaay : What about me? Everyone on Priyanka's side! 

Anika : Shivaay!

Shivaay :  :'(

Anika : Drama! Oh yes– Get something for Rauank. The toy store near your office.

Shivaay : Wow, you plan to send me toy-shopping now!

Shivaay: Anything for you? There is lingerie store and medical shop on the way! ;)

Anika blushed reading his last text. Such a perverted mind husband! She kept the phone aside focusing back in her work. It was hard to. His last text had put all sorts of thoughts in her head. 

She had barely opened the file when she remembered something. Taking her phone back. She typed.

Anika : Had lunch?

Shivaay : Yes I did. Now don't change topic and tell me.

Anika kept the phone aside. They texted so often  this way when he was away, in the first few months. Minutes later it vibrated and she knew who it was. Her husband!

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