Reader's Review & Reader's Journey

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It is a book only if it is read. 

Reader's play a very important role in making a story successful by their feedback.

And you all have been a brilliant audience! ❤

Thank You for all the Love. 

I have decided to include a part that's going to be contributed by the you all, yes, the Readers. That way you all will always be a part of this book and I get to read something when I miss this.🙈

Try it Even if you've not done it before. 

♥ R E A D E R ' S   R E V I E W ♥

Review: a critical appraisal of a book, play, film, etc. published in a newspaper or magazine.

The usual review. So that a person who hasn't read the book gets a just of what is in the book. Also gets your opinion about it.

♥ R E A D E R ' S   J O U R N E Y ♥

I know many of you have an emotional journey with this book. I would love it of you all could share your journey with this book- whatever you felt while reading it, where and with what you related very well and how this is close yoyour heart. So that I can share it under the Reader's Corner Of This Book.❤

I would really love it if you all could leave even short sentences here. 



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