Feedback & Fun

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   The only way to get better at something is learning from what went wrong and keeping in mind how it goes right!

   I am aware that there were certain points in the story that weren't really appreciated or liked by all. I thank you readers for being honest and giving me the feedback to nurture my writing.

   So a combined activity, Feedback & Fun. It's more like Coffee With Karan 😂 I shoot a question and you all answer "honestly".

   Feedback makes me grow and learn.

   Fun lightens your mood after all that's happened to our show.

💟  FeeDBacK & FuN  💟

R E A D E R ' S   F A V O R I T E

Your favorite - kiss - from the book ?

The title has "kissing" so this question has to come. Don't say all. Any sort of kiss...which is your favorite of them all?

Your Favorite Emotional/Heart-touching  Dialogue/Monologue?

This book was an ocean of various emotions. What's that on emotional dialogue/monologue that went down to be your favorite?

Your favorite 'Love', ahem, Lovemaking Scene?💏

There were quite a few. Tell me your favorite.🙈

Out of all of Shivaay's quirky remarks - Which Is Your Favorite ?

😂 Hardest Question, is it? But answer with one particular.

Your Favorite Character - Shivaay or Anika ?

One from them please. I know you all love them both. But if you were to pick one. 

Your Favorite Supporting Character?

Okay I have two names in mind, that I am sure I will see in this section.😂 Still let's see. Who was your favorite supporting Character.?

T H E   C R I T I Q U E   R O U N D

What is that one emotional talk scene that you loved the most?

Okay, I know. You all love the entire book.Emotions were all over it, and it's a hard to pick thing. But think for a minute or more and mention the scene that had your heart crying.

What is that one point in the story, you absolutely did not like?

You can be honest with me. 

If there is to be one change in plot, where would you want that and what's the change?

That one point or twist that you'd want to be replaced by something else. I am already expecting a few answers to be something.😂 Still. Let's see, this is interesting. You can be as comical you want to for this one.😂

Point out the weak characterization points in the Characters of Shivaay  & Anika.

There would have been points where I did not justify the character. Mention them. Or what about the characters could be stronger.

One Song, that reminds you of this book.

Y O U R   Q U E S T I O N S

Any question pertaining the book you want to ask me. 

❤C R E A T I V E    C O N T R I B U T I O N S❤

If anyone would like to contribute anything to this book out of love. VMs, Quotes, Edits etc etc. Please feel free to bring it to my notice, so that I can give it a home in this book.💜

Other than above, any suggestion you have for me.?


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