Chapter 42 - Won't Give Up

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Anika was stroking her hand through his hair. He was asleep. He must have been tired. She was shaken by whatever had happened. His words did not leave her. That defeated look on his face. She remembered that day when Vishal had come up to her. 

She had been avoiding him ever since that hug. It was so awkward. How she wished Shivaay was here by her side right now. She'd tell him this and get it off her heart. She had written that letter last night, but wasn't sure about it. Would he be mad at her if he knew? This feeling was crazy. She hadn't been in a situation like this before. 

The knock at the door pulled her out of her thoughts. "Come in!" She said looking for the file Tanjua was coming to collect. She raised her gaze to find Vishal standing before her. Her heart sank. 

"Hi. Umm I wanted to talk to you."

"I am busy right now. Mail it to me whatever it is. " she said looking down at the file.

"Anika, it isn't about that. It's about what happened. I notice you've been avoiding me since then . the power just went out and I just came in to check on you as I was passing by. And the hug. Look..I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything. Its was just.."

"I am sorry for whatever happened. " Anika said looking down. Could he just go? He was making it more awkward.

"Look Anika I understand, I understand that you are my boss's wife and I respect that. But the awkwardness wouldn't work since we have to work together. It meant nothing to me nor to you, it was just a moment that shouldn't have happened. I am sorry. But please,  I don't want you to think anything about it or hold anything against me for it. I had no intention to make you uncomfortable in anyway."

Anika looked at him. It was not his fault. It was more hers. She was the one who was scared and had hugged him. Yet he was apologizing.

"I am sorry as well." She said softly. 

"Alright, so if this is settled and forgotten. Can we please be like normal boss-employee? "

Anika smiled nodding. 

Anika looked back at her husband's sleeping face. She loved him so much. The past few days had only strengthened her love and made her realise that no one could ever love her, care for her as much as he did. He was stupid to think his love wasn't strong. One idiot she had in her life as husband. But she couldn't be thankful enough for him.

She placed her head on the pillow steadily and putting out the lights, slept beside him. 

* * *

Next morning she woke up to an empty bed. She frowned. She looked up and stretching herself opened her eyes. Glancing around her eyes fell on him. He was looking at a few files on his table. She smiled. A minute later he turned and his gaze registered her looking at him. "Good morning!" He wished her. After last night it was awkward. He couldn't believe he had even thought of things in that way. In the heat of the moment he had simply not correctly weighed the words. Instead of being mad at her for not telling him about her accident and passing out, he was mad at her for not telling him about Vishal. He was such a jerk.

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