Chapter 8

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Christine's POV
I smiled widely as I walked down the hall. Erik loves me...

As I was distracted by my thoughts I bumped into someone. I look up and come face to face with Madam Muhlheim.
"Watch were you are going girl!"
She yells.
"You look very beautiful for a maid. What's your name?"

I became very offended.
"My name is Christine Daae the daughter of the famous violinist Gustave Destler, and I am no maid."
Her face changed very quickly into guilt and begging for forgiveness.
"I'm so sorry Madam I didn't realize.."
"Maybe the next time you wish to criticize someone you know the full story. Good day madam."
I said walking away from her down to Erik's office.
My smile returned as I approached his office. I knocked lightly on the door and waited for his voice.
"Come in."
He said almost annoyed.
As I walked in he sat at his desk with his head in his hands but when he saw me he quickly straightened up and a smiled returned to his face.
"Ah Christine! How are you my darling?"
My goodness he gives me chills. I continued to smile as he came to me.
"What has you in such a good mood today? I don't believe I've ever seen you this happy, well besides when you received the lead in your first opera."
I laughed and looked in to his golden eyes, I've never noticed how much they sparkle until now.
"O.. Nothing..."
He looked at me almost like he was trying to solve a puzzle.
"Christine it's not wise to keep secrets from me. What is it?"
I walked to the side around him.
"Well I had a realization today that's all."
"What kind of realization my dear?"
"One of the heart."
I turned to him and his face blushed.
"You see Erik I've realized that people can love many things they would never expect they'd love. Have you ever experienced that?"
"I've only experienced a small portion of love in my lifetime."
"And what was it?"
I asked curiously but he suddenly changed his mind and walked away from me back to his desk.
"Nothing.., forget what I said. But I have news for you."
"What is it?"
"Well we will have to leave France."
"To go where?"
"America. Where I will have my own opera house to run, where you will be the star. And Madam Giry and Meg are coming to."
"Really! My goodness this is such a wonderful day!"
I said rushing over to Erik and hugging him.
I could feel Erik's body tense but soon relax and wrap his arms around me.
As I released him I looked back into his eyes and felt a wavy of love come over me. I suddenly felt myself lean in and kiss Erik softly.

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