October 4: "....ouch...."

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Jackie was not having a good day. Practically every villain in the city had simultaneously thought “Hey, let’s make today a living hell for Jackie!” It was infuriating.

Before he could once again turn into an angry ball of justice, Jackie pushed those thoughts from his mind and flopped face down onto his bed. He laid there for a few minutes before deciding to view the damage. After peeling off his super suit, Jackie made a face. He was definitely going to have to call Dr. Schneeplestein. He was sure that at least one wound was infected. But before he could do that, he had to clean them up a bit so when the doctor took a look at them he wouldn’t be as upset.

Jackie trudged over to his bathroom to shower. After years of having his skin sliced open by criminals, he had learned that the best way to quickly clean the cuts was by showering. And it didn’t involve him dripping blood everywhere in his kitchen, so that was a definite bonus.

After showering, he noted that the wounds didn’t look as bad as they did before. But he definitely needed to get the infected one checked out. He sighed and walked to his bedroom to put something on and to call Dr. Schneeplestein.

Jackie picked his phone off his charger and bit his lip. Ok Jackie, watch what you say. Don’t make him worry too much. Or make him angry. Neither is good.

But just as he was about to call the doctor, he received a text from Silver Shepherd.

SS: Hey man, I heard you had a rough day today. You ok?

Jackie grinned at his phone. He loved Silver like he was his own brother and it was sweet of him to ask him how he was.

JBM: Kinda. But I’ll live.

SS: I’m sorry to hear that. Need any help stitching or bandaging anything up?

Jackie bit his lip as he thought about it. He should really call Dr. Schneeplestein as he was a fully certified person to help him but he really didn’t want to upset him again. And the tired look he gave him every time he had to stitch him up made his stomach churn with shame and guilt.

JBM: If you don’t mind, yes please.

SS: Of course I don’t mind! You’re my best friend after all, and I’m sure you do the same for me. ^^

JBM: Thanks Silver. You’re my best friend too ^^.

SS: I’ll let you know when I get to your apartment.

JBM: See you soon :)

SS: :)

Jackie placed his phone back on the charger and walked to his living room to wait for Silver to arrive.


“Bye Roxanne, I’ll be back soon.” Silver swung his bag over his shoulder. He leaned down to give Roxanne a quick kiss before heading over to the door.

“Be safe!” She called out. “Love you!”

“I will, and I love you too.” He closed their apartment door behind him and started his walk to Jackie’s apartment, which was conveniently across the street.

Once he entered the lobby, he took a deep breath. He had always wondered how his best friend could afford to live in such a fancy place. It took both him and Roxanne to pay their own place off. Silver shook those thoughts from his head. That didn’t matter right now, what mattered was that he check on Jackie.

He arrived at his best friend’s door a few minutes later and knocked. “Jackie, it’s me.”

Jackie appeared at the door a few seconds later and grinned. “You certainly look better than I do today.”

Silver snorts and followed Jackie into apartment. “I’ve only seen your face and I’m already concerned.”

Jackie sits down on his couch and gestures for Silver to do the same. “Oh believe me, it gets better.” He removes his shirt and Silver winced.

“….ouch….” Jackie had cuts and bruises all across his chest, stomach, and back. Thankfully, none had looked deep enough for stitches.

Silver slides  his bag off his shoulder and pulls out a rag, rubbing alcohol and bandages. “I know you dealt with multiple bad guys today, but how’d you even get this banged up?” He poured the rubbing alcohol on his rag and began to clean Jackie’s wounds. Jackie hissed and Silver gave him an apologetic look. “Sorry, but this is going to hurt. Especially when I clean the infected one.”

“I know.” Jackie squeezed his eyes closed. “I ran into the Human Blade today. He was the one that did majority of these cuts. The bruises are from all the other assholes I ran into today.”

“Bastard got you good.”

“Bastard also ruined my suit,” Jackie grumbled. “I have to visit Marv to see if he can fix it again. If not, I’ll have to see if Chase isn’t busy to see if he can help me make a new one.”

“Roxanne and I can help you,” Silver offered. “She helps me patch up my suit every time something happens.”

Jackie was hesitant. “Are you… Are you sure? I would hate to be a bother.”

“You wouldn’t be a bother at all,” Silver assures. “I wouldn’t have offered if it was a bother.”

Jackie nods his head. “Ok.”

A few minutes pass before Silver finishes bandaging Jackie’s wounds. “There, all done.” He puts the bottle of rubbing alcohol, the rag, and the left over bandages back into his bag.

“Thanks again, Silver.” Jackie slides his shirt back on. “I really appreciate it.”

“It was no problem.” Silver stands up and pulls Jackie up with him. “C’mon, Roxanne’s making baked potatoes and rice for dinner.” Before Jackie could protest, Silver pulls him out the door.

“Wait!” Jackie quickly stops Silver. “My shoes.”

Silver’s ears turned a light pink from embarrassment. “Oh. Yeah, right.” Jackie jams his feet into his shoes and they continued on to Silver and Roxanne’s apartment.

Egoctober 2018Where stories live. Discover now