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Hermione sat in the library glaring at the book she had just been reading, no help at all. Who could have ever thought that the Hogwarts library would ever let her down and in the restricted section no less? She sighed and returned the book to its rightful place with a wave of her wand. She made up her mind that Hogwarts would be no help on time traveling she'd have to find help somewhere else. She was too tired to search for any more books and so she just picked a random book from the shelf, she soon realised it was a book on dark magic. Hermione didn't put it down though, she was used to reading books on the dark arts after all she had, had to read many of them during the war, their strategy was to know what the enemy knows and since what the enemy knew mostly consisted of dark magic, they had to spend a lot of time researching dark magic. She found it quite fascinating but she was smart enough to not let herself get caught into it.


Tom was walking into the library when he saw something that struck him as odd, the new girl Bellouve was at a table in the restricted section completely immersed in a book and as he walked closer he realised it was a book on dark magic, now what would a girl like her be doing reading a book like that? He'd never seen any girls interested in dark magic, even the ones in Slytherin so why would she a mudblood be reading a book like that? He was curious and so he started walking over to her, she looked up as he started approaching her, she saw him and then she looked down again.

"Hi," he said as he reached her table

"Hi," she replied

"What are you reading?"

"A book."

"Fair enough, do you mind if I sit here?"

"Not at all." she watched as he sat down regretted telling him to do so, she knew he knew what she was reading and was probably going to start pestering her with questions.

"Where do you spend most of your time? I haven't seen you around."

"All that there is to know is that I like being alone and you don't need to know where I spend my time." she put down her book smiling at him sweetly, he nodded. She had actually been spending her time in the room of requirement and the library she had nowhere else to go and no one to talk to; she picked up her book and began to read again, she saw him get up and thought he was leaving but all he was doing was getting a book and then he sat down again. She checked her wristwatch, "Five minutes till dinner I better get going." she said getting up from the table and was almost out of the door when she heard Tom shout "Wait!" she turned around "Let me escort you to dinner."

"No, it's really not necessary."

"It is and it's no problem really," he smirked inwardly as she relented with a look of defeat on her face. She seemed so uncomfortable whenever she was around him and he enjoyed that fact.

"School is opening in a few days maybe you'll make friends," he said although he knew full well that the Slytherins were going to hate her and the other houses would probably stay away from her since she was so strange.

"I was under the impression that you were my friend Riddle?"

"Oh I am but I don't think you consider me as one of your friends."

"And why would you think that Riddle?"

"You seem ever so uncomfortable whenever I'm around you even right now, it seems you can't wait to get away from me."

"Well I'm sorry if you think I feel that way Riddle." she didn't try to deny it nor did she admit it and Tom found this rather annoying.

"What classes shall you be taking?"

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