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Hermione was beginning to regret showing Tom her memories, he might have just gotten more curious. She scowled and slammed her book shut, she should have just shown him something normal, not something from a flipping war! She scolded herself not feeling too happy anymore. She got up and walked out of the library. She needed somewhere to vent and clear her head, she headed to the room of requirement.

Abraxas glared at the girl who was walking down the hallway, she looked angry. He was watching her because Tom told him to keep an eye on her, he had no idea why. What in the world was so interesting about a mudblood? He despised her, her very presence felt like an insult to him. He felt like strangling her, no one would miss her, after all, she had no family or friends.

Hermione spotted Abraxas glaring at her from a dark corner and she raised an eyebrow at him, he scowled and walked away. What was that all about? Hermione thought as she continued on her way, she shrugged it off.


Hermione looked at her timetable and scowled, next class was House Witch Duties, "Sexist bastards." She muttered under her breath. She was dreading this lesson ever since she found out it was compulsory, this would be the first class of that subject because the teacher had not been feeling well and the school couldn't find a substitute.

Rose kept sending Hermione glares from across the hall and Hermione found it more than annoying, she wished she could just hex the girl and get it over with.

She walked into the classroom, sat down at a table and stared out a window. She wished that whoever the teacher of this class was would at least be nice, because if she wasn't, Hermione would actually hate a class for the very first time in her life. Hermione had arrived early and so not everybody was here yet, including the teacher, Hermione took out her quill, notebook and textbook and continued staring out the window. She sighed, another boring day in 1943, not being able to be myself and no friends, I almost miss the war, almost, she thought to herself.


Rose Macmillan was having a bad day, first she blew up her potion in potions which made Tom stare at her annoyed and made the new mudblood girl snicker at her; then Abraxas ignored her completely at lunch while she was trying to talk to him and kept staring at the mudblood and the worst part was when her friends were talking about the mudblood because she apparently beat Abraxas in a duel. It was all unfair! "It's all her fault I'm having a bad day." She muttered to herself and glared at the girl who was staring out of the window, "But I'll show her, just you wait, mudblood, just you wait." And it was then that Rose decided that she would teach the girl a lesson, damned mudbloods need to be kept in their place, She thought to herself with a smirk. With that, she turned around to face the teacher who had just come into the class.

The moment Hermione set eyes on the teacher, she disliked her. She was thin, had ebony black hair that was pulled into a tight bun, a pretty but strict, mean face and she was wearing a crisp white shirt, a black skirt and black robes. A female version of Snape, Hermione thought to herself.

"Hello class, welcome back to House witch Duties. As you all know, my name is Ms Crichton and I will be your teacher for the rest of the year. This week we'll be focusing on cleaning charms. I will not tolerate any shenanigans in my class any attitude will lead to detention, understood?"

A murmur of yes' went around the class. "Good, so let's begin."


"Soulless bitch." Hermione hissed as she walked out of the classroom. She got three detentions, just for talking back a little and suggesting other charms! She had also asked her to stay behind so she could talk to her about her attitude! God, she hated that woman.

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